This is my third and last child and since I get pregnant when my husband looks at me I am thinking of having my tubes tied. I have had issues with birth control in the past. I was going to have my husband get a vasectomy but since I am having the surgery already it seems like the logical choice. Has anyone done this? If so any additional symptoms?
Re: Tubes tied during csection
Anovulatory cycles, increased Synthroid Diagnosed Sep 2010
1 Clomid/Ovidrel BFN May 2011
Natural cycle Aug 2011 BFP M/C 4 Weeks
1 IUI Sept 2011 BFP M/c 7 weeks
Provera Dec 2011 BFP M/C 3 Weeks
IVF March 2012 BFP m/c 4weeks 5 days (IL, Prednisone)
IVF#2w/DS July 2012 MEGA FAILURE BFN (IL, Dexamethasone)
Diagnosed No real HLA Match, DQ Beta Triad, High TNF, Low NK Cells
Oct 2012 Natural Cycle m/c 4wks (Lovenox, Prednisone)
Went to Beer Center- high tnf, low lad, implantation failure
Jan 2013 BFP
Humira,LIT,Prednisone, Lovenox, IVIG, Baby Aspirin
Miracle Born August 2013 Premature
Yours doesn't have to be a sad story
DS2 - 8/08
DS3- 9/09
DD1 - 11/11
DD2 - 10/13
DD3 - Csection Scheduled November 29th
I CANT have my tubes tied after my second c/s. since my DR only has privleges at one hospital and it is considered "Catholic" so they won't allow the DR to perform the procedure, so DH and I are going to have a discussion about what is best as we said we only want to children. After 2 c/s I'm not sure I want to go through an additional surgery to have my tubes tied, so DH may be sitting on the couch with an ice pack on his crotch for a few days next year
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
I had a tubal ligation with my cs last june and I regret it. I bf, so I have no experience yet how my periods will be (bf'ing delays menstruation), but I have had a terrible time trying to lose weight. I am currently 20lbs over my normal weight. I had the cs and tl after my second child....with my first baby I had a vaginal delivery, I b-fed, and I actually went under weight because ds sucked it all out of me literally! But this time I'm having a heck of a time getting the weight off, and I've done some research on post-tubal ligation syndrome and in my opinion, it's what I'm dealing with. If I could do-over, I wouldn't have the TL.