February 2014 Moms

CP: Will you shop on Thanksgiving?

shellbell3845shellbell3845 member
edited November 2014 in February 2014 Moms
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CP: Will you shop on Thanksgiving? 102 votes

Yes -- in a store
4% 5 votes
Yes -- online only
19% 20 votes
Maybe. It really depends on the sales
16% 17 votes
54% 56 votes
I do not celebrate American Thanksgiving -- business as usual
2% 3 votes
Special Shopping Snowflake
0% 1 vote

Re: CP: Will you shop on Thanksgiving?

  • I don't plan on going anywhere but work on Thanksgiving. I miiiiiiight hop online, but it depends on how deep of a food coma I'm in. 
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  • Last year we went to Toys R Us and literally saved hundreds.
    I have to work this year at 7pm, but am considering going there again, depending on the sales and how I feel the day of. It will be a game time decision.
  • So here's the deal with stores being open on Thanksgiving Day, none of us want to be there but consumers made the choice that they want us open. The major retailer that I work for did not open at midnight, when all our competition did, a few years ago. The financial hit that we took from that decision still affects us today. We have no choice but to open and be competitive.
    I'm asking the following out of curiousity, and I am meaning no snark or disrespect. 

    Does it piss you off that you have to work on Thanksgiving? 
    Is this something that needs to be fixed? If yes, how?

    Are you sick of these kinds of questions?
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • Nope I won't shop on thanksgiving.
    I hope to create a real siggy but first I need some sleep!

    Mom to Lily and Colin!
  • SS... MA has pretty strict blue laws and stores can't open on thanksgiving. Even midnight openings for black Friday ate hit or miss since each town can decide independently if they want to allow it. Because of that, most stores with multiple locations (like target, ect) choose a 4am or so time that's compatible with all the different towns and they don't have to mess with their advertising. (Some places like the big outlet mall open at midnight, but it's just those locations.)
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  • I worked retail for too long to contribute to that bullshit. I will be at home, enjoying my turkey coma, thank you.
  • I said maybe, but only online if I do. I'm looking forward to spending the day with my men (dh and boys) and dinner with my family.

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  • @Madisonpenny‌ as someone who lives close to a border crossing, it seems like lots of Canadians come to shop our Black Friday sales. Interesting that Canada is trying to keep some of the customers!

    Also interesting that iPhone autocorrects to capitalize Black Friday
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  • I will not be going anywhere on Thanksgiving to shop, and I also hate the Black Friday hype. As @golfergirl08 said, I will be working, and I'm okay with that because of the nature of my job.

    @bepandick, question. Do you know if your hourly employees get paid overtime for working on Thanksgiving? 

    And FWIW, I agree with you, from a business standpoint, that companies are all just trying to keep up with each other. Financial ramifications can be staggering for stores who choose to remain closed.
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  • vshumway said:

    I said "maybe depending on the sales". I have a question, and it's not to be snarky, just another view. For those of you who said no because you don't think people should have to work on Thanksgiving, do you also not watch football for the same reason? Because there are a lot of people making minimal money that have to work (selling food, working the gates, cleaning the field, etc). And these people have to work all day, not just beginning at 4 or 5 when the stores open.

    Excellent point. All of the people, players included (they're still away from their families), are working.

    Avswolf‌ I get where you're coming from but bepandnick's point is very valid. Some companies being open isn't purely about greed. They need to stay competitive. Perhaps if your company hadn't opened then they would have taken a huge hit and had to have let you or other employees go. And even if it is purely for profit, the companies have a right to be open.

    I would prefer people get to be home with their families and it would be nice if companies would all agree to later opening times though.


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  • I know some employees are required to work holidays and I don't know if that's fair.  Like LaurLaurLaur said, there are plenty who don't mind and like the extra money.  If the shifts were voluntary, there might be enough to cover them--maybe, but at least you are getting the people who want to work first.

    I won't shop on Thanksgiving or Black Friday, but it's more because I hate, hate, hate crowds and pushy people.  No way.



  • @bepandnick Can I ask what your role is with your company on Thanksgiving/BF? Are you working registers? Or are you there to troubleshoot and handle any problems that come up? I understand if you want to be vague in the interest of internet privacy. I'm just wondering/being nosy. 
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  • I voted Maybe, but it's only Maybe to online...  And doubtfully on bf either.
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