
HCG and Progesterone in Early Twin Preg?

Hi! Anyone remember how quickly their HCG doubled in early pregnancy? Mine was 155 at 14 dpo and 477 at 16 dpo! My progesterone at 16 dpo was 28. Obviously know this is an indicator of twins. I had a 20 mm and 14 mm follicle when I triggered and was assured that the 14 mm had very, very small chances of maturing/fertilizing. I had a twin pregnancy that ended in a very late loss and am just not ready mentally and emotionally to go through that again. I'm scared.

Re: HCG and Progesterone in Early Twin Preg?

  • My hcg was just over 2000 14 dpo and almost 5000 16 dpo. My progesterone was 59 but I was supplementing. So sorry for your losses. I'm 18 weeks with twins after a loss in April. It's scary. Inhale courage, exhale fear.
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, I can't imagine. My levels are in my siggy but if your on mobile (I did ivf) 10dp5dt: 700 then 14dp5dt: 1,406. They were pretty sure that it was twins just from the first hcg result. T&P to you for a smooth pregnancy!
    *loss and BFP mentioned*
    Me: Endo & No Tubes 
    DH: perfect!
    IVF#1 (Sept 2013) Long Lupron Protocol
               17 retrieved, 15 fert, 1 perfect blast trans, 10 frozen
                BFP--Ended-- Blighted Ovum
    FET#2 Tentative Sched: Start meds CD1=Feb 1, ET= Feb 19-20
              One Grade 4AA Blast transferred, 5dpt- BFP HPT, 6dpt- line darker
              Beta #1- 50, Beta #2- 30
              BFN- Chemical preg
    FET#3 CD1-4/11, start Injections on CD13, ET scheduled- 4/29
             CD12 u/s & bw- Lining 8.7, estrogen 335, cleared for ET in one week!
             CD19 ET- Two Grade 4AA Blast transferred one with assisted hatching
             4dpt- POAS = BFP!....POAS everyday after = DARKER! FX!
             Beta #1- 703!  Beta #2- 4,004! 
             First U/S, 5wk0d- TWO gest sacs, Both with yolk sacs and a fetal pole both measuring 3d ahead!
    ((Thank you LORD, praying these LO grow, grow, grow!)) 
    **Due date Jan 14th- Boy/Girl twins**


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  • Thanks everyone! AshB62, I know the actual HCG # isn't an indicator of twins, but the fact that mine tripled in 48 hours seems to be a sign. I used one of those website calculators and it shows that mine had a doubling time of 29 hours. Yikes. Just a rough road to go down again, and definitely not happy that I was assured it wouldn't happen.
  • From my sig: 9dp5dt = 344 and 16dp5dt = 4822 (not sure about progesterone)

    I am so sorry about your loss. I can imagine the fear you feel. I wish you all the best with your pregnancy whether one or two.

    Age: 35 TTC since 2005, MFI & DOR 

    IVF #1 Sep '11 - canceled poor response

     IVF #2 Nov '11  8R/8M/4F 3dt x2 - chemical

    IVF #3 April '12  11R/6M/4F 3dt x2 - m/c

    FET #1 Aug 2012  3dt x2 - BFN

    **new RE**

     IVF #4 Jan '13 BFN 11R/6M/6F 5dt x2 - BFN

     IVF #5 July '13 16R/10M/10F 5dt x2 + 1 frostie

    9dp5dt Beta 1 = 344!! 16dp5dt. Beta 2 = 4822 7wk u/s= 2 heartbeats!

    Twin girls! 3/6/14


  • My betas had a doubling time if 29 hours and I ended up with twins. My first beta was 74 at 14 dpo and close to 500 at 16dpo.

    Ella - 10/19/10
    Julia and Aubrey - 4/3/14

  • Sounds like your numbers are doubling which is a really great sign of a healthy pregnancy. Whether or not it's twins - you'll have to wait until your ultra sound.

    I triggered with 1 mature follicle (at 18mm or something like that) and 2 not quite mature(12 and 14 mm). I was still nervous to trigger with 2 almost mature follicles so I took a 1/2 dose of the trigger shot. Obviously I'm here so one (probably the 14 mm) matured a bit more and released an egg as well because I'm here and have fraternal boys.

    My first beta a 15dpiui was 151 and my progesterone was 38.9. My betas didn't quite double in 48 hours - it was 285 on 9/5. It just barely doubled 2 days later on 9/7 and was 573.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • My HCG was 2061 at 14 days past transfer, it kept doubling from there. My progesterone fluctuated so I had to take larger dose of progesterone in oil injection.
    Me: 32, DH: 34.
    Trying since Jan 2011. Unexplained IF.
    2 IUIs = BFN.
    1 IVF (Dec 2013) = BFN.
    FET, 2 frosties (June 13, 2014)

    14dp5dt-June 27 -BFP, beta 2061. 2nd beta >5000, 3rd beta >5000, 2 sacs 06/30.
    Twin Girls - 02/11/15 - at 37 weeks (no NICU, home with me at 3 days).
  • At 14dpo my beta was 435 at 18dpo it was 2326, not sure about progesterone, our RE said it was over the needed number so they weren't worried. Good luck, I hope this is your rainbow!!! (I pray our twins are our rainbow after a loss in April)
    TTC #1: 3/2013
    02/2014: Clomid = BFN
    03/2014: Femara + Menopur + Ovidrel + IUI = BFP! - 3/17/14
    EDD: 11/29/14 - MMC @ 9 wks: 4/25/14 
    Misoprostol 4/28 & 4/29 - D&C after misoprostol failure 5/2/14
    07/2014: Spontaneous IUI, no meds = BFN
    08/2014: Spontaneous IUI, no meds = BFN
    08/2014 v2.0: Final spontaneous IUI, no meds = BFN
    09/2014: BCP cycle in prep for injectable cycle in Oct.
    10/2014: Gonal-F + Cetrotide + Ovidrel + IUI  = BFP!
    "Top Bunk" & "Bottom Bunk" due June/July 2015
  • My betas r in my sig... I think they were 67 at 13dpiui & 1170 at 17dpiui. I might be remembering somewhat wrong. My progesterone was super high at 80 & 120 or something like that, but I ovulated 3-4 follies. I agree with PP don't borrow worry.. And embrace the joy of great betas.

    ****siggy warning****

    Me 29/ DH 28
    DH- MFI (low count, 2-3% morph)

    IUI #1 January - Clomid, Ovidrel: BFN
    IUI #2 February - Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel: BFP 1st beta-25, 2nd beta-56, 3rd beta-45, miscarriage
    IUI #3 April - CD3 U/S 4-10. Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel CD11 - Cancelled.. TI w/5 follicles-BFN
    IUI #3.1 May - CD3 U/S 5-6, Follistim start 5-11 thru 5-17, u/s 5-18 3 mature w/ a close 4th, IUI 5-20 - BFP!
                 Beta #1 12dpo - 164 & progesterone - 89!, Beta #2 16 dpo - 1189, 5w3d - u/s shows TWINS!
                 6/19- u/s showed heartbeats! Baby A 111 & Baby B 118, both measuring 6w1d
                 7/3- Baby A hb 170, Baby B hb 166 - both measuring perfect.
                 7/18 - Baby A 165, Baby B 171 - both measuring right on track & moving all around!


    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Triplets
    880 9 dp5dt
    1990 11dp5dt


    No periods due to 17 years of ballet and distance running after college.  Zero response to 2 months of Clomid, little response to Letrozole.  IUI left with 9 cysts = too many viable eggs due to age.  On to IVF.  Low dose of all meds still produced 37 mature eggs 12.6.11.  Froze due to overstimulation.  

    FET #1.1 1.22.12 BFN.   FET #1.2 2.22.12=GRACE! (and a vanishing twin).  

    Grace Katherine born 10.25.12 @ 36w6w 6#14oz 19.5".
    FET #1.3 3.2013 BFN FET#1.4 4.2013 BFN. Never tried a fresh transfer.  Let's try, despite 10 still frozen.  
    ER 6.26.13 27 mature eggs, slight overstim. ET   7.1.13 ectopic, FET 2.1  9.10.14   TRIPLETS!!  

    Boys born 3.18.14 @ 29w5d.  Andrew Jack 3#6oz 16", Grant Robert 3#9oz 16", Charles Phillip 3#7oz 17".

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