Baby Names

Baby #4 Girl #3 :D

We are having an awful time deciding on a name for this little one! We are thinking the name Lexi for her first name (other suggestions are welcome) and we like Olivia for a middle name but I would really like to stick with an "A" middle name as my youngest DD's middle name starts with an "A". We don't have much time until she is here! 4 days to be exact :) Hope you can help! My kids names are (DS) Ryan Nathaniel  (DD) Naomi Noelle (DD) Mylee Alexa

Thank You!!!

Re: Baby #4 Girl #3 :D

  • Alexandra Olivia, NN Lexi

    You don't need matching "A" middle names for the youngest girls.

  • I would avoid Lexie since your other DD already has the middle name, Alexa. It's very redundant.
    Other suggestions:
    Delaney Anne
    Kayla Avery
    Ava Brooke
    Olivia Adelyn
    Paige Abigail

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  • Lexi is only a nickname to me.
    I'd pick Alexandria or a completely different name.
    Lani. Elsie.

    Allison. Amber. Amaya. Ava. Aliyah. Abagail. Anna. Amanda. Amelia. Amy. Audrey. Aurianna. April. Abby. Alicia. Anita. Alma.
  • Alice






    Married 10/4/2014 (10-4, good buddy!)
    Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17
    Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
    "It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.  You rarely win, but sometimes you do."  -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird

  • nubletnublet member
    edited November 2014
    Alexa and Lexi seem too similar to me. What about Delaney but call her Lainie(y) Adeline?
  • I agree that it is better to not repeat the -Lex- part of your older daughter's name AND match middle initial. 

    It seems that you are going for a names that end in -y sound for the girls?

    Natalie Olivia
    Bethany Olivia
    Carly Olivia
    Heidi Olivia
    Hillary Olivia
    Married 9-4-04

    ***PM me for my IF history***

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  • I really like Olivia.

    Other ideas:


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  • Thank you! I'll talk to the Hubby tonight!! :D
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