
B*%#ing and Moaning

WTF I swear to all  that is holy if I even THINK about getting excited for a hotel weekend and hotel booty my uterus reminds me she is there by cramping... and this weekend was one where there is tons of family around to take sammie so SO and I can sneak away for a bit.


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Re: B*%#ing and Moaning

  • Ugh. That sounds like hell. Im sorry. That really sucks.
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  • Periods are the worst.
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  • Why does DH text me to say he has a little bit of bad news but won't tell me what the hell it is? Of course I have the worst thoughts about what it could be.
    Sounds like something my SO would do excpect his would be "I hate to say ... we won a free steak dinner " like it was some great joke
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  • FTWR said:
    softcups and midol
    I just looked up softcups and I kinda want to try it. I'm a little sad that I missed the free samples.
  • My period has hated me since DD was born. I always had clockwork 30 day cycles and they even lightened up between DS and DD. Now they are uncontrollably heavy at times and between 21 and 28 days. I just got it yesterday a full week earlier than expected. At least I don't get really crappy anymore. If I was 100 % certain I was done with kids I would do some ablation or something.
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  • Today, was pajama day at work. Seriously my favorite day of the year! They have a pajama drive for needy families. So you donate a pair of brand new pajamas, you get to wear yours.

    Every year, I buy a brand new pair for a kid. And I buy one for myself. I bought one yesterday. Put it on. Took the tags off. Went into work. Sat down in the classroom. And realized there was a 3 inch hole in the seam. I used tape to fix it.

    But seriously! They weren't that cheap either!
    My daughter is my hero.
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  • Cher cancelled her tour, I had a girls weekend planned with my friend to go see it. 7th row center tickets!  The show was supposed to be back in Sept but it was postponed then. I even took off time from work at my new job. Booo.
  • MrsT0514 said:

    FTWR said:

    If you're not prepared to talk to me about something rightthissecond then don't say anything because I'll woke myself into an anxious spiral and be sick to me stomach until you do talk about whatever it is.

    Story of my life. I dont do well with "I need to talk to you about something really important later" kind of shit without somesort of tip off regarding what its about
    I can't handle that. I normally force the issue because I can't not.
  • The Newark Airport has basically zero signs for rental car return until you are right on top of the rental car return, which is not when I needed a fucking sign. Oh and at a traffic light I took this picture of what your GPS looks like near the Newark Airport, because I couldn't believe how fucking confusing it is. It looks like spaghetti. Fuck the fucking Newark airport.

  • vandelay said:

    The Newark Airport has basically zero signs for rental car return until you are right on top of the rental car return, which is not when I needed a fucking sign. Oh and at a traffic light I took this picture of what your GPS looks like near the Newark Airport, because I couldn't believe how fucking confusing it is. It looks like spaghetti. Fuck the fucking Newark airport.

    I hate that airport! I once drove in circles around it three times because I couldn't figure out which level I had to be on to escape. The GPS was no help. I hope I never get stuck there again.
  • @vandelay it remnds me of the GPS when I rented a car in Frankfurt.. it was in German and had all sorts of weird icons on it!
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  • Last spring DH asked if I'd care if he got basketball season tickets with his brother. In the past this meant him and bil would spit a package. Fast forward to fall and turns out it is a full season. So I'm on my own with a 6month old and 4 year old for bedtime like 30 times. Now he is out of town for a football game. I know this shouldn't bother me, He needs his time, but I'm nursing DS2 and just want a fucking break. Unfortunately I don't have the freezer stash to go away for a night either.
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  • credcat7 said:

    @vandelay it remnds me of the GPS when I rented a car in Frankfurt.. it was in German and had all sorts of weird icons on it!

    Yikes -- that sounds even more confusing. At least mine gave confusing instructions in English!

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