I just got told by the financial person at my work that I need to make sure that my signature on invoices in "more consistent". I sign 30 invoices when I have them to sign (once a week), so yes, by the end my signature is way messier. I'm also signing off on scripts all day, so my signature is not a nicely handwritten version of my name. It's a quick and dirty abbreviation, in which you can clearly see the first letter of my first and last letter name, as well as the two "t"s. I'm the only one who has authority to sign invoices for my department. Is this a legit issues for invoice processing? Or are they nit picking? I'm willing to change it if it's a legit issue, but I'm super annoyed by this request. Context on WHY it even matters would be great.
Re: Q for financial people who deal with invoices
I'm signing to confirm that I've received it so that our department (government) can pay the company from which we purchased product. not sure if that makes a difference.
I guess I'll just suck up my b!tchin' and just sign more nicely. TGIF.