

What are yours like?!

I'm 32 wks...

I have been having "a lot" for several weeks now, but never really timed or can actually put a number on how many an hr etc.

Tonight as I noticed I was contracting quite a bit - figured ill time them and see.

I'm 2hrs in and have had 28!! Seems like a lot?! (Everyone will say yes a lot... I just don't know what "my" "norm" is. If that makes sense....?

Also, was in L&D last night for 1st - with a culmination of symptoms; swollen hands, feet, headache, dizzy.... All b/w, BP, urine looked great! It was a migraine!

Now, tonight...this. Hmmm
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Re: Contractions...

  • Don't be afraid to go back to L&D. That's what they're there for. A cervical check & a few minutes of monitoring might put you at ease :)
  • I just left the hospital for preterm labor at 28w. I would have 4-6 in 20 minutes sometimes & other times I'd go hours without one. When they discharged me, they basically said to look for a change in pain (I had none), discharge & it they are happening in a pattern for a period of time. Id say go in & get ur cervix checked just to be safe & then just take it really easy.
    Good luck!!

    ****siggy warning****

    Me 29/ DH 28
    DH- MFI (low count, 2-3% morph)

    IUI #1 January - Clomid, Ovidrel: BFN
    IUI #2 February - Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel: BFP 1st beta-25, 2nd beta-56, 3rd beta-45, miscarriage
    IUI #3 April - CD3 U/S 4-10. Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel CD11 - Cancelled.. TI w/5 follicles-BFN
    IUI #3.1 May - CD3 U/S 5-6, Follistim start 5-11 thru 5-17, u/s 5-18 3 mature w/ a close 4th, IUI 5-20 - BFP!
                 Beta #1 12dpo - 164 & progesterone - 89!, Beta #2 16 dpo - 1189, 5w3d - u/s shows TWINS!
                 6/19- u/s showed heartbeats! Baby A 111 & Baby B 118, both measuring 6w1d
                 7/3- Baby A hb 170, Baby B hb 166 - both measuring perfect.
                 7/18 - Baby A 165, Baby B 171 - both measuring right on track & moving all around!


    Pregnancy Ticker

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  • Thanks been checked @WAMOM‌ :) ended up spending night in L&D, dilated to 2 & 50% effaced w/ FFN being positive. Got both steroid shots and have been home since Saturday. Keeping an eye on contractions and have OB appt tomorrow.
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