Sweet, but turned a bit bleak, eh? Just me? Maybe it's the grey weather.
I agree. What I took away was: You might be in a home one day and your kids won't be bothered to visit you, so enjoy them now despite the fact that you're not enjoying every moment because kids are tough.
The other day I posted a pic of DD napping on me with something about not being able to reach my laptop. Someone commented, forget working, just enjoy the snuggles. DH asked if I get tired of people saying stuff like that - just enjoy it now, they grow up fast! And it is annoying sometimes. I do enjoy my baby; she's awesome. But I also have every right to want to be productive, to miss having time to myself, to have an ungracious moment (several times a day). Sometimes I think these articles are too fluffy. Let's get real. It's ok to get mad at your situation, to feel like you suck, to feel like you can't do it, to go cry in the bathroom by yourself. All moms do it, but I feel like I constantly see articles like this that end in a but. But isn't it wonderful. But you'll miss it someday. But but but...No but! Parenting is amazing. Parenting is hard. One does not negate the other.
Maybe that's my UO. Maybe it's been a long week.
I needed to hear THIS!
It's okay when it is hard, because it doesn't make you a terrible parent to feel overwhelmed. Feeling overwhelmed doesn't mean that you don't realize how blessed you are.
I am blessed! I am blessed beyond measure!
But I'm also tired, overdue on my highlights, ten pounds heavier than I am comfortable with, and a piss poor grad student. I still know I am lucky and that other woman don't get the precious gift of snuggling babies the way I have.
Re: Grab some tissues ladies...
I know it's a tear jerker but I just thought it was also a great pick me up especially with all the sleep depravation happening around here!
The other day I posted a pic of DD napping on me with something about not being able to reach my laptop. Someone commented, forget working, just enjoy the snuggles. DH asked if I get tired of people saying stuff like that - just enjoy it now, they grow up fast! And it is annoying sometimes. I do enjoy my baby; she's awesome. But I also have every right to want to be productive, to miss having time to myself, to have an ungracious moment (several times a day). Sometimes I think these articles are too fluffy. Let's get real. It's ok to get mad at your situation, to feel like you suck, to feel like you can't do it, to go cry in the bathroom by yourself. All moms do it, but I feel like I constantly see articles like this that end in a but. But isn't it wonderful. But you'll miss it someday. But but but...No but! Parenting is amazing. Parenting is hard. One does not negate the other.
I needed to hear THIS!
It's okay when it is hard, because it doesn't make you a terrible parent to feel overwhelmed. Feeling overwhelmed doesn't mean that you don't realize how blessed you are.
I am blessed! I am blessed beyond measure!
But I'm also tired, overdue on my highlights, ten pounds heavier than I am comfortable with, and a piss poor grad student. I still know I am lucky and that other woman don't get the precious gift of snuggling babies the way I have.
Did I mention I'm tired?