Formula Feeding

Playtex drop ins

Sorry, I'm full of formula questions tonight. The idea of using drop ins is very appealing. But can you mix powdered formula in them?
DD born 11/20/11

Re: Playtex drop ins

  • rmbrjryrmbrjry member
    edited November 2014
    snuff9861 said:
    You can. Liquid in, powder in, cap on and shake. Personally I like premixing formula but I've done it on the go too.
    What PP said, though I'd recommend shaking side to side instead of up and down (if that makes sense) - otherwise I find that formula gets stuck in the nipple tip and clogs the opening.

    W/DD # 1 we never did pre-mixed, though. We would just mix as needed at home and when we went out we would bring a small canister of formula, a few drop-in sleeves, a couple of nipples and then re-use the same bottle, ring and lid. W/DD # 2 we'll be switching to pre-mixed for at home (she likes to cluster feed, whereas DD # 1 never did, and it's easier that way) but we'll still follow the same process as before when we're out. GL :)

    Edited to add: the drop-in liners are also recyclable, which is a bonus!
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