May 2014 Moms

What toys/books/activities are your LOs enjoying these days?

There was a thread a couple months back about favorite toys, but as it's been a while and our babes are developmentally so much farther along, I thought I'd throw it out there again to exchange ideas.

Sidenote: I'm torn between pride/excitement watching LO develop and be so curious about everything, and a little sadness that the baby phase is going by so fast.

Re: What toys/books/activities are your LOs enjoying these days?

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    DS loves Sophie and anything that is small enough for him to grab, wave around and put in his mouth. He also likes things that make noise. But nothing can compare with his feet and mommy's hair!
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    KatzaliaKatzalia member
    edited November 2014
    So after an interruption to help DD get back to sleep (totally fighting naps today):

    DD loves her exersaucer, a sock monkey who she likes to clutch onto while napping or when we leave the house, Sophie and other teething toys, a crib mirror, and books (primarily for licking, though ones with baby or animal faces are extra intriguing). She's also excited about anything that dangles (my hair, hoodie drawstrings), paper (it crinkles!), and her OXO spoon.
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    Mine loves this Sesame Street toy where they pop out and sing. She loves anything musical and buttons she can push that make noise. She's also really enjoying these ball pit balls. My husband will put her between his legs and make an oval with is legs around her then pop the balls up and dump the basket of them in her lap she thinks that's hilarious.

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    athn64 said:

    DD plays with everything. Loves her Little Tykes piano. DH not so much.

    Ha! My mom was just asking about whether it would be okay for her to give DD something like that.
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    DS luuurrves his exersaucer. He spins around going from one toy to the next, with a serious look on his face like it's his job. It's the sweetest! He also loves toys that he can play with while sitting in our laps - crinkly books, rattle-type toys, etc.
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    My lo loves teething toys, his crawling tunnel from Ikea, boxes, blocks, anything with wheels and everything forbidden.
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    I have yet to find something DS doesn't love. Tissues, plastic bags, toys, blankets, hair, phones, hats, pillows. You name it, he has got to touch it. It's adorable and annoying at the same time. I can't wait until he is mobile!
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    Dd loves her activity table, tags and books. Definitely anything that can go in the mouth is a hit too.

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    Uncooked macaroni in a small round Tupperware and Dominos. Go figure..
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    Crinkly book, oball rattle, wooden rattle he loves to alternate shaking and chewing. He has a set of soft cubes and the crinkly one is his favorite of the set, he also has a spiky rubber sensory ball that he enjoys. He loves to scratch fabric especially those with a fun pattern but the all time winner is the jolly jumper door frame bouncer thing. The exersauser is just meh
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    haylo33 said:
    I have yet to find something DS doesn't love. Tissues, plastic bags, toys, blankets, hair, phones, hats, pillows. You name it, he has got to touch it. It's adorable and annoying at the same time. I can't wait until he is mobile!
    This describes DD as well! She loves to play and mouth everything! The one odd thing she just loves is a Scoopie stuffed toy given to her by the manager at Culver's (this may just be a midwest chain. Scoopie is an ice cream cone guy). She holds on to his hands and chews him up. So cute! 
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    DD is obsessed with the Baby Einstein jumper and the push thing on the OBall exersaucer (idk what it is. You push it down and it swirls and the little marble ball things go around - whatever). 

    Also, Fifi the firefly (Lamaze toy) and anything that crinkles. Especially the package of baby wipes. 
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    DS2 gos crazy for yo gabba gabba, loves his baby einstein bouncer, and we just got him this activity cube as a early Christmas present, he and big bro love to play it together. :)

    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
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    DS is into most things he can put into his mouth. He really loves his crinkle giraffe teething toy, also a rubber teether toy I just got him. He has some activities balls that make noise or have something inside and soft blocks that he also really likes. We just started really using the exercauser but so far he's loving it! And of course, sweatshirt strings and mommy's hair are always fun to grab and try to chew on.
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    DS loves to scratch his fingers over upholstery. He also loves the dog's tennis ball. Yum.
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    DS2 gos crazy for yo gabba gabba, loves his baby einstein bouncer, and we just got him this activity cube as a early Christmas present, he and big bro love to play it together. :)

    I put may have hinted to my sister to tell grandma this would make an excellent Xmas gift.

    I tried finding a used one but all the ones I found were too much for crap condition.
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