July 2013 Moms

Low Hemoglobin

Alex had his appointment today. His toe stick for hemoglobin was 10. They want it at 11 or higher. So the pedi prescribed some iron drops for a month to bring it up.

He really doesn't drink that much WCM, but mostly booby. I guess more beans? High iron foods? Any July13 moms have experience here?

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Re: Low Hemoglobin

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  • gutsymamagutsymama member
    edited November 2014
    I don't want you to ignore your doctor, but - hemoglobin in the 10s if perfectly fine, from my experience. L was sitting in the 9s for a long time without it raising concern. When we transfused him he was at 6.3 and acting mostly fine. 

    So try to get some iron in him, but I wouldn't stress about it too too much.

    ETA: In the 9s with no concern, as in weekly labs showed hemoglobin in the 9s and his doctors were fine with that, even when they easily could have adjusted TPN to try to raise it. I thought 10 was the threshold for normal. 
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    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
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  • Spinach!!!

    Yep this. Probably best in a smoothie form?
  • Did they also check a lead level? If not, you should ask about this. Chronic anemia is thought to impair learning, but I wouldn't worry too much. That said, I would try short term supplementation just to be safe.

    He's had his lead levels checked & it's next to nothing. They'll keep a watch on it.

    He loves spinach-caulifower puffs & egg-kale cups. I have to see if I can conjole him into eating some beans lol.

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  • Thanks everyone!

    @somerandomchick‌ : yes he's always eaten meat very well. Which is why I was confused. Abby never had low levels & the kid lived on cheese with veggies.

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  • Was he sick shortly before the blood work? I've heard that being sick and/or growth spurts can temporarily affect iron levels.

    E was prescribed iron drops after her 12 month blood work and they too were just below 'normal.' They didn't recheck at 15 months. Another food option is bananas. I think that they are a source of iron as well.
  • Nadia's was 8.9 (we had to do lab work since it was so low) at her 12 month check up. her Dr told me he's good with anything above 10 and 11 is average. we got her up to 12.9 pretty fast, but we had to use supplements since she was so low. also, what they use in the office can vary with results, they might have just got a bad reading.

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