July 2013 Moms

A Corri Funny...Christmas Related!

So, this is our first holiday season in our new home (we moved in June), and its the first time Corri has ever had a chimney/fireplace. So, at dinner a few nights ago, Corri randomly goes:

"So, I know we don't celebrate Christmas cause we are Jewish, but since we have a chimney and fireplace now, Santa could still come visit, right?"

DH and I freaking died laughing! Leave it to my kid to find a loophole for Santa!

Re: A Corri Funny...Christmas Related!

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  • biggunsbo said:

    It's just a dash @chiboo9‌
    I, too, am a loather of glitter.

    It's a super duper cute idea, though! But I'd be nervous that it'd be DH who will think Santa really was there...
  • What a cute story! Great analysis, Corri! :x
  • Cute!!


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