December 2014 Moms

Early arrival!

momtoE25momtoE25 member
edited November 2014 in December 2014 Moms
My little man, Clayton James, decided that yesterday was the day he wanted to make his was into the world at 37w2d. I had felt like my water broke and was just dripping while I was at work so they told me to come into L&D to check. I was 4 cm when we got to triage and about an hour later was at a 5 when they checked again so while I wasn't having consistent contractions yet my dr decided to admit me around 5 pm. We got moved to a room where I was having very inconsistent contractions that weren't extremely painful but we obviously effective bc I was checked again around 830 and was already 8cm and fully effaced. I then got my epidural and started to feel a lot more pressure and before I knew it, it was time to push. Delivery went very smooth and only took about 15 min of pushing (which was heaven compared to the 2.5 hrs with DS1). Everyone is doing great, we are all just a little exhausted!

8 lbs, 20.5 in long.

ETA: please excuse my run on sentences and bad grammar, my brain still isn't functioning correctly :)

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