Good Morning. I'm new to the bump and this is my first baby. I just got married on 10/18/14 and this baby is definitely a honeymoon baby. I have battled the symptoms of endometriosis for a few years and was so blessed to get pregnant so soon. We are so excited. Baby's EDD is July 23rd! I have only a few symptoms nausea (similar to my endo nausea,) heightened sense of smell, fatigue, and the weird one being my super sensitive gag reflex; other than that I wake up feeling great and energized but tired toward the end of the day. Being newly pregnant feels better than a normal day with endometriosis (but I know I have a long road ahead). Any new moms have a similar story or any experienced moms have any advise? I am an aunt to 17 nieces and nephews so I've been around the block with babies, just never my own pregnancy.