A: Stay at a job that is very boring and there is absolutely no furthering your career. But you get 21 days of vacation, 12 weeks of maternity leave, no one bats an eye when you call in because DC is sick yet again, benefits are great, work from 7:45-4:45 but can leave at 4:15 if you take a half hour lunch instead of an hour so you get to be home with DS that much earlier, and the pay is decent, and you can start TTC next month.
B: Take a job that is much more satisfying career wise, the pay will be somewhat more then what you're making now, benefits are just as good, but vacation is much less. You have to work late hours, probably till 6pm most nights. Taking off for a sick child wouldn't be looked upon favorably. You get 12 weeks maternity but it would be impossible to be off that long because of the demands of your new job. TTC would be put off for at least 6 months.
C: Stay at current job. TTC next month. In a couple of years really start figuring out what you want to do when you grow up even if it means that your current degree becomes useless and you might have to go back to school for a couple of years.
Re: Which choice would you make?
personally, I would choose A. I'm looking for that job right now!! Where do I sign?!
I had job A and hated it. I took job B, well sort of. Job B required a lot of travel but had very flexible hours. If I worked late or was gone overnight, usually the next day was pretty free. I got laid off from that job and am now looking for positions that sound a lot like your job B. Long hours, crazy schedules, but the exact position that I've wanted for years and the whole reason I chose my field of study.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13