Because she puked all over herself again.... Oh wait, no, she doesn't care about that. It's me who's crying because she puked all over me again. She's crying because she is overly tired but refusing to nap.
Because she doesn't want to sleep without someone holding her or without a boob in her mouth, but from 2:30-4:30 am she doesn't want either of those things because it's party time.
Because he was bored in the time it took me to make breakfast. Then he wanted boob, then he wanted to jump in the jumparoo for 4 seconds before deciding he was tired.
Baby A: Because I wouldn't let her gouge her sister's eyes out with her toes (aka talons) Baby B: Because she was trying to eat her sister's toes when her sister was trying to gouge out her eyes
@TheGizzmo my LO does this too and freaks out if I take the washcloth away from her. I have just about given up and just let her suck on the dirty water filled washcloth now. MOTY.
Re: GTKY: Why is your kid crying?
DD: because I gave her the yogurt she asked for.
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
Engaged: 7/19/09 Married: 9/19/10

BFP: 10/14/13 EDD: 6/16/14 DD Arrived: 6/21/14
June '14 Siggy Challenge: Warm Places
DD2: because I put socks on her feetsicles
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
DS: I signed him up for basketball and he doesn't want to play (this was last night)
DD: no reason needed
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
Thats the answer I give if anyone asks why lol.
DD because the cat smelled her bracelet
BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
Baby B: Because she was trying to eat her sister's toes when her sister was trying to gouge out her eyes
Baby B: Because she saw Baby A cry and wanted to commiserate.