What would you pair with these names? Every name I come up with seems to sound better when you swap the order and use the single syllable name as the man, but I love these names as first names!
Alexandra, Beatrice, Josephine, Juniper, Vivienne, Juliet, Clementine, Magnolia, Azalea, Marigold, Margaret, Johanna, Olivia. Both Pearl and Maeve are lovely, but Pearl is my favourite.
Re: MN for Pearl and/or Maeve
Pearl Mya
Pearl Siobhan
Pearl Sofia
Pearl Verity
Maeve Bridget
Maeve Clara
Maeve Opal
Maeve Scarlett
Maeve Susan
Pearl Therese
Pearl Rowena
Pearl Estella
Pearl Alexandra
Pearl Sabina
Maeve Celine
Maeve Gwendolyn
Maeve Calliope
Maeve Lucille
Maeve Wilhelmina
Maeve Juliette
Good luck!
Pearl Rose
BFP #2: m/c at 7w, February, 2014
BFP #3: It's a BOY! Please be our rainbow! Due February, 2015
*everyone always welcome*
Elisabeth and Corinne both work with Pearl and Maeve. Do you have any family names you like?