Baby Names

Name ideas too similar for sibset?

Husband and I have been discussing baby names for a long time. I have loved "Elise" for a girl for years. He has recently decided that "Ellis" is the perfect name for a boy! Truth be told, I love the boy name "Ellis" too, but am not willing to give up "Elise" either! I'm so torn about what to do if we end up having a boy!

Are those names too much to have as a sib set one day? We hope to have other names in the mix that aren't similar. (Turner, Corbin, Esther, Miriam as some possible examples)

Re: Name ideas too similar for sibset?

  • Elise and Ellis are WAY too similar for a sibset.

    Ellis and Esther are fine, though I don't love using the same initial.
    Ellis and Miriam are better.

    I don't like Turner or Corbin at all. Ellis is miles ahead of those for me.

    Maybe middle name Elise?
    Ellis Corbin and Miriam Elise?

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  • Elise and Ellis are too similar.

    I adore Esther and Miriam.  Ellis and Miriam would be very sweet together.

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  • Too similar. I wouldn't do it.
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  • Too similar. I like Ellis way more.
  • They are way too similar. I have several names that I had to give up for other names. It's lame I know! I love Ellis btw.


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    Formally LisaG09

    "Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."

  • Too similar, and I think Elise is way stronger than Ellis.
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