I was thinking today about approaching Christmas without making it all about the gifts with our kids (2 and 4)
I started thinking about the traditional letter to Santa. Our local post office will send a letter to a child from Santa, if the child sends a letter or email. Which I think is some thing a bit fun.
Then it occurred to me that generally we discourage the idea of requesting gifts. That gift registries and the like need to be approached with thought and courtesy. We want to teach our kids that gifts should be accepted and appreciated for the thought.
So does the letter to Santa contradict all of this, or is it just a fun thing, and you can use plenty of other teaching moments to teach your children nice manners when receiving gifts.

Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
Re: NBSR: This is a Christmas related question
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
I haven't actually done this yet as this is the first year DD is actually starting to really get into the whole Santa thing. But I saw this idea where your LO's list is like this:
Something I want-
Something I need-
Something to wear-
And something to read-
I like it because it's short and means they have to put more on it than just toys.
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old