Hi, I am interviewing for a new job. How do I tactfully inquire as to work life balance? I am willing to stay late occasionally and work from home in evenings but the majority of the time i need to be able to leave at 5 and go pick up my kids from daycare. How do i ask about that at interview? or should i not ask?
Re: How do I inquire about work life balance at an interview
BFP #1 6/28/11 ~ EDD 3/7/12 ~ m/c 7/15/11 at 6w2d
BFP #2 8/29/11 ~ EDD 5/12/12. 4/25/12: Our take home baby is here!
BFP #3 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/11/14. 4/27/14: Our second take home baby is here!
Yeah, I think asking "how flexible are the hours" is too subjective. My job is very flexible relative to other companies in my industry, but there are still billable hours goals that have to be met (and are not easy to meet). The flexibility comes in with them not really caring too much where/when you get things done as long as you are there when you need to be there and taking care of everything. But I would not describe my work/life balance as good right now.
I think the better way to go about it is to ask about a typical day-in-the-life, like a pp suggested, and also ask about what times of year are busier than others and what that looks like.