DD naps from 10-around 12. I feel that she should be going down later, but I have to keep her naps going around DS's schedule. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she needs to be up by 12:30 to pick DS at preschool and on Wednesdays, I need her up by 12pm, so I can feed her lunch and then we leave at 1:15 to go to DS's speech lesson. I feel so badly that I have to coordinate her sleep around DS's schedule, but if I put her down later, I would be waking her too early.
Usually around 3 for 1 to 1.5 hours. But we have a little different schedule than most. She usually goes to sleep around 11 and wakes up between 10 and 11.
July 13 Siggy ChallengeDecember'14:Christmas/Holiday Movie Bonus: Ugly Sweater
12-1 usually. He occassionly falls asleep in the car in the morning for a few mins. If so, I put him down 1-2. Last week he had a day where he didn't nap at all. That was fun.
She takes two most days. The first from around 10-12 and the second from around 3-4. Sometimes she skips the afternoon nap, but when she does, she's super whiney all evening.
This exactly. He's been better about napping recently, praise Jeebus!
2 hours after she wakes up she's ready for a nap. She usually sleeps until 8:00ish, and will nap from 10-12:30. This means that we miss out on absolutely every baby/toddler activity because they are all scheduled at 10. She will sometimes take a second nap 3:30-5:00.
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
LO takes one nap. He's down at 11am everyday. He'll sleep usually 2.5 hours at daycare and usually at least 3 hours on Sat and Sunday. I know, I'm very lucky!
are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right
temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get
it. ~Irena Chalmers
Re: Naptime poll
9:30/10-11/11:30 and 2:30/3-4/4:30 depending on if we are home or he is at daycare. I wake him beyond 90 minutes/nap or he won't sleep at night.
DD1 7/10/08 DD2 8/11/10 DS 7/2/13
At home: 11 for 2 hours.
Baby boy 7.10.13
Kristina - 34
My health/fitness blog
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get it. ~Irena Chalmers