So I got my prefolds/workhorses in my GMD and in their little "how to" booklet, it specifically says not to boil them to prep as it destroys the fabric. So, did you boil or do the 5 wash cycles?
I actually have the huge pots... so that wasn't a big deal to me, and I am water conscious living in the desert in all... but I figured I'd ask. Thank you!
You don't really need to wash them 5 times before you use them either. I usually do 3 washes. They won't be as absorbent as they will after 5 washes, but they'll work just fine.
Re: GMD and boiling
theultimatesak. I don't need them until March, so I'll just get them into the wash with the towels/sheets until I'm happy with them.
Thanks everyone!