Hi ladies. I hope you and baby have been well this week! Please feel free to post any questions you may have for each other.
How far along are you?
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions?
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)?
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Re: PgAL check in 11/14 (one day early!)
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? Besides weekly ultrasounds, a third growth scan in three weeks and then fetal well being monitoring starting at 28 weeks.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? Eat all the sugar. All of it. Leftover Halloween candy? Mine.
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)? My husband and my blog. If anyone misses the boys as much as I do, it is him. And when I'm constantly worried about this baby, he finds a way to calm me down. Or he tries to, anyway. Calming me down is kind of like mission impossible right now.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Baby girl had a second growth scan today. Her A/S showed her head in the 10th percentile at 20 weeks. This week, it looks like the circumference is up to the 11th percentile, but her head width is down to the 4th percentile. It is not IUGR, since her body overall is in the 36th percentile. But we need to see some improvement. It could be genetics (DH and I both have kind of small heads), but it could signal a bigger problem. We will start fetal well being monitoring at 28 weeks, twice a week. Hopefully she scores well each time, otherwise it could mean emergency delivery... early. I almost broke down in the doctors office.
20 weeks
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? I have my A/s next week now its around the time my pregnancy started to go pear shaped with noah so experiencing a lot of anxiety
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions?
Tropical juice with looooaaaads of ice !! And prawn cocktail flavour stuff.
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)?
My daughter shes 2 and if i am having a bad day or crying she holds my head in her hands and says be happy mummy then squeezes me really tight.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Noah would have been 2 weeks old
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? Thurs, OB. Felt good to get past 16 weeks, not really sure why. It will feel good to get passed my A/S on Dec 3rd
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? Been to busy to notice, but liking ginger ale
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)?
Um, my support group, family, friends, ...all of it! haha
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Alot about my Mom's health issues, my Grandfather who died last week. Work being stressful...and me just being overwhelmed in general!
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? My hands are starting to fall asleep if I sleep on my back for too long. It seems really early for that to be happening. Also I can feel my hips moving when I move. It's really strange.
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)? Probably here. Everyone in real life is very supportive too, but no one really understands.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? DH and I are going to a seminar tomorrow (Saturday) about surviving the holidays. It's being put on by the grief share group that DH and I and step MIL have been going to for a few months. I hope it gives us some good info and ideas.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? A/S this afternoon. We'll find out if baby does have a club foot, and they'll take an extra look at his heart, liver and kidneys since that's what caused Lincoln so much trouble. Lincoln's liver difficulties were his major problem tho and the problem was inside his liver, so it likely wouldn't be found in ultrasound. Which means I don't think I'll be getting must reassurance on that today. At this point we're most concerned about the club foot, and any underlying problems that can come along with club foot.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? My cravings are always the same as @ikrystal. Must eat all the sugar! Leftover Halloween candy? Been gone for over a week now. It's a problem.
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)? My blog was for awhile, although I haven't posted in awhile. I think I will this week. My friends have been incredibly supportive, but most of my comfort has come from my husband and my sister and brother in law. They are the ones who saw Lincoln through every step and can understand my hurt.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Nervous, nervous, nervous about the scan today. Can't really think about much else.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? I have an ultrasound in a couple hours. I was rear ended on Friday and went to Urgent Care to get checked out. I figured they would have an ultrasound machine. Well, they don't and it was after hours to have it done at the hospital, so they set me up for today. (I could have gone to the ER if I needed to. But I talked to my midwife and both she and the Doctor in the Urgent Care thought the accident was small enough that baby should be fine.) So I was supposed to go to the ER if I started cramping or bleeding, which I haven't. I'm sure everything is okay, but I will be very relieved to see baby on the ultrasound today. Hoping and praying everything is fine. I also have a subchorionic hemorrhage, which was found last week on my dating ultrasound. So, hopefully we might see if it has grown or gotten smaller.
So after today, at less than 11 weeks I'll already have had as many ultrasounds as I had in my whole pregnancy with my son. (One at 20 weeks and one at 40.5 weeks)
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? I can't deal with sweet. Even fruit and things like Almonds (yes, almonds are sweet) are hard for me to stomach. I have a really hard time finding things that sound appealing to eat. I've lost 5 pounds! I didn't lose any weight with my first. (It was kind of exciting though because I'm officially back at my pre-pregnancy weight from my first pregnancy. I know it won't last long, but it is kind of exciting! I gained 40 pounds with my pregnancy.)
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)? I've had some very good friends (new since losing my son) who have walked with me every step of the way and continue to do so.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Just eager to see the ultrasound and make sure everything is okay. I'm kind of excited also that tomorrow will be 11 weeks! I found out so early this time that it seems like it has been forever already.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? No, just trucking along for now.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? My hands have been falling asleep while I'm sleeping all the time, but mostly when I'm on my sides. Maybe this is the start of pregnancy carpal tunnel? It's not painful, just annoying, and wakes me up several times.
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)? Definitely my husband. I can't imagine going through this with anyone else. I have been lucky, though, and feel support from lots of places, friends, support groups, message boards, etc.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I don't know why, but I have been extra sad about losing our son lately. I've obviously always been sad, but I find myself crying more and deeply missing him at more random times throughout the day. I don't know if it's hormones or that it's been 9 months since he died or what, but it's been harder lately.
Me 32 (Stage IV Endometriosis, short luteal phase) DH 38
Married 5/2010
January 2014- DS born healthy at 35.4 weeks
February 2014- DS passed away due to complications from adenovirus
February 2015- Rainbow baby DD born at 36.3 weeks
My chart: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/42fd32
ikrystal : I'm sorry the scan wasn't more reassuring This must be so scary and stressful, I hope everything is ok. On another note, I never noticed your blog until today! I jumped over there for just a second, and I really like it You are adorable, and the way you write makes me think we could be friends IRL
chickinNH : I'm so glad you started therapy and are enjoying it. We started therapy very shortly after Q died, and went for several months, but have kind of fallen out of it for the past few months. I think it is great, and I actually plan on going back soon.
Me 32 (Stage IV Endometriosis, short luteal phase) DH 38
Married 5/2010
January 2014- DS born healthy at 35.4 weeks
February 2014- DS passed away due to complications from adenovirus
February 2015- Rainbow baby DD born at 36.3 weeks
My chart: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/42fd32
Me 32 (Stage IV Endometriosis, short luteal phase) DH 38
Married 5/2010
January 2014- DS born healthy at 35.4 weeks
February 2014- DS passed away due to complications from adenovirus
February 2015- Rainbow baby DD born at 36.3 weeks
My chart: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/42fd32
Me 32 (Stage IV Endometriosis, short luteal phase) DH 38
Married 5/2010
January 2014- DS born healthy at 35.4 weeks
February 2014- DS passed away due to complications from adenovirus
February 2015- Rainbow baby DD born at 36.3 weeks
My chart: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/42fd32
@issytex12 - hoping you get good news at your a/s. Your daughter sounds so precious.
@chickenNH - hoping you get good news on the 24th. Also hoping you are feeling good soon - it's no fun feeling yucky all the time. I like your thoughts on trying to enjoy this pregnancy - I need to work on that myself.
@shandorfml2 - so many hugs to you and all that you are experiencing.
@erinel - hugs to as it really is just a roller coaster of emotions we are on sometimes. I couldn't believe how sad I was the other day going into the grocery store and seeing the holiday decorations - I've been seeing them forever (some places had the up before Halloween), but for some reason it hurt even more the other day and I just couldn't explain it. I agree with @dadalou it must be the holidays getting closer.
@MelandJohn2013 - I am sorry to hear your little one has club feet and I am hoping that you get nothing but good news for all of your follow ups. I can only imagine how anxious you must be - thinking of you and sending you so many hugs.
@GymSpaz26 - I sorry to hear you were in an accident. I'm glad your little one is doing good, but I'm sorry the experience was so stressful - I would have been crying - no parent needs to experience that stress.
@dadalou - thanks for sharing your tips! My husband went to a similar seminar and found it to be helpful.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? appointment next week
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? nausea and vomiting, but meds are still mostly working so I'm happy
QOTW: What do you think has been the most comforting resource to you during this pregnancy (support group, family member, book, TB, writing, etc.)?
DH, family, this board, our support group, writing in my journal and counseling they all help
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Just trying to focus on the moment I'm in and not thinking too far ahead.