Working Moms

How do you moms do a full work day?

I have to be honest, I was a stay at home mom for 6 years but 2 of those years I worked part time but it was super easy. Recently I got my first "big girl" job. It's a nice corporate desk job 8-5.
My schedule is sought after I know but I haven't worked in such a long time and I have 2 kids aged 4 and 6.
I can make it till lunch (12 or 1) but after lunch I'm dragging. I'm so tired I want to sleep under my desk. I assume it's because I'm not used to the schedule. While not physically tasking it can be mentally exhausting to say the least.
Please tell me it gets better.....or is full time just always exhausting?

Re: How do you moms do a full work day?

  • I've never not worked full time, but I'm betting it will get easier the longer you do it.

    and, drink ALL the coffee. That helps too ;)
    Mrs. H
    Crohn's Dx: August 2008
    Endometriosis Dx: May 2010
    Married: 05/19/2012
    TTC #1: June 2013
    BFP: December 2013
    DS: Born 08/29/2014
    TTC #2: July 2015

    BFP #2: September 25, 2015

  • Noted: drink ALL the coffe ~O) lol
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  • After lunch is a really common time to be drowsy, though. I had that problem before I had a baby and continue to have it now. It's better when I eat more protein and complex carbs. Sometimes I take a quick walk around the office, grab a glass of water, or take 15 minutes or so to do something that's not mentally draining.

    And yes, coffee. :)
  • Coffee.  

    I worked desk jobs before I became a teacher.  I was usually exhausted in the afternoons. Eating light lunches and walking somewhere during lunch helped with this.  If I could sneak away for 10-15 minutes sometime in the afternoon for a walk or fresh air, I came back more energized.  

    As a teacher, I take mental brakes (like the one I am on now) whenever I can too.  I sometimes just zone or read garbage on the Internet for a few minutes while the kids are at recess or as soon as they leave for the day.  It "defries" my brain and I can refocus. 

    I also find getting to bed before 10 is key.  I'm up at 5:30 every morning, so I need this sleep.  

    You will get used to it.  
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  • The time after lunch is the worst for me no matter what. I read something once that talked about circadiam rhythm and how bodies are wired to slow down between 12-2, so it's definitely not just you or your job. I drink lots of tea to get through the day. Sitting at my desk isn't too bad because I can browse online a bit and distract myself from the fatigue. Sitting in meetings after lunch is the worst. I'm always thisclose to nodding off. 
  • I try to schedule my errands for early afternoon. I can take 20 min to walk to the bank and back and that helps me through the 1pm slump.
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  • Well to give you an idea - I've worked a busy corporate job my whole life, and today, after lunch, I put my head down at my desk and fell soundly asleep and was woken up by someone knocking on my office door. So yeah - totally normal to feel drowsy after lunch. I have yet to discover the secret to staying energetic throughout the day.

    Usually I try to schedule some of my more "interesting" tasks for after lunch - like talking to clients over the phone, or doing tasks that demand a lot of mental alertness.
  • What you eat for lunch can affect your energy level too.  I try to eat a high protein, low fat lunch with lots of veggies.  That means salad bar most days and I always throw on quinoa and beans of some sort, with balsamic dressing.  8-5 is a long day.  I usually make it until 4 PM and then I'm done.  But really my mind is checked out by 3 PM.  I don't break for lunch, though.  I should take more short breaks throughout the workday.  Ideally walk around 5 minutes every hour - that would be hugely beneficial.
  • I find  taking a couple of minutes to zone out and eating an orange or apple around 2 helps. Especially the orange as the smell wakes me up. First I get up and walk around a few minutes- go to the bathroom, make a copy etc. then sit down and enjoy my fruit. Other times a can of Coke helps (or your caffeine drink choice). I'm pregnant now so sleep just seems normal, but before these things helped. So move, eat something refreshing, and if all else fails caffeine. Mentally though I check out 30 minutes early every day- so I work through part of my lunch when I'm more alert so that when I slump a bit in the afternoon I don't feel soo bad. ;)

    Part of it is getting use to the new schedule too- so hopefully you will adjust soon. 
  • A lunchtime walk (fresh air, change of scenery, endorphins?) and coffee maybe an hour later are key to getting through that post-lunch slump for me.
  • I SAH for three years and when I went back to work full time I had to move my bedtime up by 2 hours.  I realized that by going to bed earlier, I function better during the day.  Hang in there!

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  • Opposite advice here - I quit caffeine more than three years ago.  In that time I have really only experienced the afternoon slump when I am already tired (stayed up too late), eat a ton of carbs or a heavy lunch or had wine the night before.  I try to drink lots of water throughout the day.  It has made a giant difference, and I think part of it is I sleep much more soundly with no stimulants in my system.
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  • Echoing all others.  I just bought a mini Keurig for my office, and I make coffee every afternoon for myself.  I keep those little creamer pods and some splenda in my desk, the coffee pods, and I'm all set.  LIFE SAVER.  
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  • I concur about lunch being vital. Also, I try to arrange my tasks so I'm moving from one type of activity to another. It's not always in my control, but if I can vary telephone calls, in person meetings, and solo tasks so I switch up often, that helps. Those days when I sit on the phone for 6 hours straight, I look and feel like a zombie by 3:00.
  • What you eat for lunch can affect your energy level too.  I try to eat a high protein, low fat lunch with lots of veggies.  That means salad bar most days and I always throw on quinoa and beans of some sort, with balsamic dressing.  8-5 is a long day.  I usually make it until 4 PM and then I'm done.  But really my mind is checked out by 3 PM.  I don't break for lunch, though.  I should take more short breaks throughout the workday.  Ideally walk around 5 minutes every hour - that would be hugely beneficial.

    Exactly. I had this issue way before I had kids. My suggested skipping carbs at lunch and it made a huge difference. That was years ago and of course I type this stuffing a roast beef sandwich in my mouth. But give it a try!
  • I was exhausted after being home for 12 weeks. I think it is normal to have an adjustment period.

    I also agree that lunch can make or break your energy level.
  • I go to bed at 8:30.  Then I drink coke 0 all day.
  • What awesome replies, thanks!!!
  • jess9802 said:
    After lunch is a really common time to be drowsy, though. I had that problem before I had a baby and continue to have it now. It's better when I eat more protein and complex carbs. Sometimes I take a quick walk around the office, grab a glass of water, or take 15 minutes or so to do something that's not mentally draining.

    And yes, coffee. :)

    and try to make it a habit to move around, get up and stretch and do a few deep breathing exercises and you will feel much better + try to snack more often on healthy items (raw nuts+fruits+complex carbs) and stay away from things that would make you too full or give you a sugar rush because it would make your blood sugar spike and then drop real low too soon
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  • I try to get to sleep at a decent hour, eat healthy snacks, eat a not too heavy lunch, drink a lot of water throughout the day, and take a short walk at lunch.  I get a small coffee every day at 3.  I hear that is the least productive time of day anyway, so that's when I take a 10-15 minute break.
  • Eat a nutritionally packed lunch: protein, Complex carbs, water. Get outside if possible for even a 15 minute walk. Keep hydrated thru the afternoon. I'd skip the coffee to be honest.
    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • Thanks everyone!!
  • ss+elss+el member
    edited November 2014
    My somewhat similar. I have one 6yr old and worked retail until 6 months ago, so my hours were "flexible" (read: never the same), so half the time I was just leaving kiddo home with DH and only had to worry about getting myself out the door.
    I got laid off in spring, took the summer off, and now I work 8-5 M-F, so have to get DS up early in the morning to go to childcare and the transition was HARD. I also learned to drink all the (free!) coffee. I never liked coffee before. Now I fill up my travel mug on the way in the building. I also eat a better lunch than I ever did before. After two months, I am finally getting the hang of it.
  • I also found that the time of lunch helps.  When I wait and eat lunch between 1-2 (instead of 12-1), I can avoid the afternoon slump.

    Bonus, everyone else is out of the office at noon, so I can get caught up on work without distraction, or goof off without anyone really noticing.
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  • I just live off coffee, coffee and more coffee. It's a good think coffee in my BM has never bothered my boys :)

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