Working Moms

re: intro and please help!!!!

Hi Working Moms,

I am usually on BOTB although I am a frequent lurker here who has posted on this board in the past and received great advice.
We are not TTC yet, but hope to in the next year. 

Today I received a call from a recruiter for which I was terribly unprepared and totally bombed the call even though it was just to arrange an interview, which we did go ahead and set up. There was a delay in the call through out, which sounded like I repeatedly interrupted her and I also just fumbled when it was my time to speak. Not my A game at all basically :(

This is a great opportunity for me and I would like to know if I should go ahead and reply her interview confirmation email with an apology and clarify responses that I messed up or should I do nothing till the interview and bring it up then? Or just not bring it up and proceed by being well polished at the interview ? 

The job requires excellent phone communication :/

Re: re: intro and please help!!!!

  • Agree with @PrivacyWanted‌. And best of luck with the opportunity!!
  • ^^Yep, agree.  Good luck!

                                                                                              BFP #1 3/2/12, T born 11/7/12
                                                                                                 BFP #2  7/2/14, CP 7/6/14
                                 BFP #3 8/28/14, MMC 10/2/14 @ 9wks - misoprostol 10/6/14, D&C 11/3/14 for retained tissue
                                       BFP #4 12/25/14, EDD 9/7/15 - please stick baby, you are so loved and wanted!!!!!                                                                                           
                                            image  image                                                                      
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