September 2014 Moms

supply issues...

I know that this has probably been posted before, but I can't find it, as I'm on my phone and the search feature doesn't work very well.

I seem to be having supply issues with my breast milk this week. When I pump, it's a quarter to half what I would normally do. LO doesn't seem to be eating much on them the last few days, just "snacking" and falling asleep. Would that have something to do with it?

LO also fidgits around when eating sometimes, pulling off, latching on, and fussing. I think that has to do with the gas. I'm doing a diaper count today to make sure that she's getting enough.

She's seven weeks, almost eight. Is there a reason for her to be sleeping so much? Is she going thru a leap? She sleeps the majority of the day still. (I don't remember my son being this way, that's why I ask.)

I'm really worried and nervous about going back to work too. I'm not getting any sleep, and I haven't been eating much during the day. I'm too busy feeding everyone else and taking care of everything around here. DH still doesn't help much even though I talked to him about it. He's also got me nervous about possibly moving.

I also cut out most of my dairy to help LO with her gas. Most of what I have in the house food-wise has to do with dairy, so I haven't been eating b/c of that, too.

I'm trying all that I can think of to get it back up. Beer, lactation tea, lactation cookies, and more water.

Is there anything else I can eat or do to help it go back up?

Sorry so long, but I needed to vent a bit.

Re: supply issues...

  • My lo is 8 weeks now & I've noticed a change in his eating habits, he's bf. I believe though that even though it may be difficult, you have to make sure you eat too! My supply drops if I don't eat. Also, you have much going on so that extra stress does not help!
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  • Some days DD eats a ton and some days she sleeps more and hardly eats. Babies go through these different periods as they grow and develop, so I wouldn't worry about LO wanting to sleep more a day or two here and there.

    My DD typically is fussy at the boob when she needs to burp, during the witching hour, or when she's on a growth spurt and just draining my boobs. The more she fusses at them the more she's telling my boobs to make. If your LO is falling asleep at the boob and happy to stay asleep then she's probably getting all she needs.

    You not sleeping much and not eating much can both affect supply. Not many new mothers get decent sleep so that seems like a silly thing to suggest you change but get some rest if you can. Skip the chores in favor of a nap if the opportunity presents itself. Definitely eat though! You need calories in in order to put calories out! With my first food and water intake (or lack of intake) were the biggest factors affecting my supply.
  • @CUBBIESMAMA3 I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! :( I'm FFing, so I really didn't have anything to offer! I've heard that stress can cause problems. And you may need to increase your intake? I don't know. I'm talking out of my ass!!!!! Lol
  • Stress, sleep, food, and lots of water! I'm having similar problems - for food intake I have zero appetite but know I need to eat so I bought some oatmeal squares that I try to eat and my backup is eating my lactation cookies all day. Because I'm exhausted from insomnia and work, I then drink too much coffee and caffeine which dehydrates me. So for water I've actually resorted to sticking a jumbo straw directly into a Brita pitcher and just make sure I chug it while nursing. My Nalgenes were emptied too quickly so the pitcher helps me stay stocked :). Stress well... I haven't found a solution for that! And I have to take Benadryl for the insomnia which also affects supply. Aye aye aye....
  • I power pump in the mornings and started taking fenugreek and goat'so rue. Once I started goats rue I really noticed an increase in supply. Make sure you are eating, drinking, and resting (ha!) plenty.
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  • I power pump in the mornings and started taking fenugreek and goat'so rue. Once I started goats rue I really noticed an increase in supply. Make sure you are eating, drinking, and resting (ha!) plenty.

    What's goat's rue? I've never heard of that.
  • I've been eating oatmeal in the morning. And drinking tons of water, that's about all I've done and I can see a little increase. You have got to remember to eat you need those calories while BFing.
  • I hate oatmeal and can't have eggs because LO is sensitive to them so I started making muffins with flax seed to eat thought out the day when I can't make a proper meal.
  • hadeelb said:

    I hate oatmeal and can't have eggs because LO is sensitive to them so I started making muffins with flax seed to eat thought out the day when I can't make a proper meal.

    Do you have a recipe?
  • Thanks ladies for all the advice. My supply seems to have gone up some in the last couple of days. I've been making more of an effort to eat, try to get some rest, and not to stress. I also saw an ad for brewer's yeast pills at Walmart. I think that I'm going to go look for it today or tomorrow. I didn't know that it came in pill form until this morning when I went thru our flyers that come in the mail. (I look for coupons to local restaurants.) I'm going to look for that, and fenugreek. That should help too.
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