My LO poops every night at 4:30am. He sleeps in a minicrib next to my side of the bed, so I hear the poopsplosion nightly and then get up to change him.
Last night he also had a poopy diaper when he woke up hungry at 2:30am, then during his usual 4:30am poop changing, he pooped again all over the changing table, then when I was putting him back down into his crib, he pooped AGAIN! WTF?! Anyone else got a crazy nighttime pooper???
5 years TTC, no luck with IUI's, failed IVF June 2013,
FET Oct 2013 with delayed transfer, intralipids, lovenox & prednisone= first BFP of my life!
***Beautiful baby boy born June 13th!***
Re: A MOTN Pooper