so DH and I decided "one and done" so I will be getting "fixed" next Thursday. We have chosen to do the Essure method instead of having my tubes tied. I'm getting fixed since I met my deductable instead of DH. Any body else doing this?
The side effects are scary...chronic cramping, constant bleeding...and many are having to have a hysterectomy into order to have it removed due to the pain
Please do your research! Join the closed Facebook group called essure problems. There are so many reasons why not to have essure. I had essure the. Had to have 3 surgeries and a tubal bc the coils migrated and my tubes never closed. There are other issues too women are getting pregnant even after being confirmed blocked. They are made of nickel and pet fibers. Nickel allergies can occur while the coils r in you and the fibers are a known carcinogenic that cause chronic inflammation. Throughout your whole body, women look like they are 6 months pregnant. Period are awful heavy painful and clots. Sex is painful is you can even have sex. I could go on but would rather send you to the Facebook group to read real stories and get all the facts, best of luck to you,
I was thinking about Essure after having DD but I read all the side effects and talked with my doctor, who advised me that I was going to do something permanent to have my tubes tied because the risks and side effects with Essure. She said she wouldn't recommend Essure to any of her patients.
The side effects are scary...chronic cramping, constant bleeding...and many are having to have a hysterectomy into order to have it removed due to the pain
I didn't want to be the jerk who said these things but, YES! This is why I didn't do it. My OB suggested not doing a tubal or ablation yet either
Re: I'm getting "fixed"
We have our "Irish Twins"
DD born 8/7/2013
DS born 7/28/14