On Saturday I took my DD (almost 2) to a kid's party. Then she slept over at my FIL's and I went to work. I picked her up on Sunday morning and noticed she had some raised red bumps on her skin - I thought maybe she slept without a mosquito net and got bitten, as I do live in a tropical country.
On Sunday evening I had to work again and she stayed at my mom's. DD ate almost nothing all day and my mom said she had weird stool, thick and dark. When I picked her up Sunday night she threw up and was upset, like her belly hurt.
I didn't think this was all related but later it ocurred to me that it might have been some sort of allergic reaction to something she ate at the party or at my FIL's. Do you think that's likely? Does it sound like an allergy at all?
Monday morning she was absolutely fine, playing and eating totally normally. The bumps were still itching a bit. Today they are still visible but don't seem like they are itching anymore.
TL;DR 2 year-old had red mosquito-bite-like bumps, vomiting and weird stool - does this sound like an allergy or likely unrelated stuff?
Re: Food allergy?