June 2014 Moms

Three Wishes

If you could have anything you wanted right now what 3 things would you wish for?
First time mommy-to-be
E.D.D. June 1, 2014

Re: Three Wishes

  • 1. To be a SAHM until LO starts pre-school or work part time

    2. Good health for my family

    3. To win the lotto!
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

  • 1. Winning the lottery would fix almost all of my problems. Everything else seems doable when money isn't an issue!

    2. My second wish would to make me some confident, sexy tigress for DH to make up for what's been lacking since I got KU. That is pretty much our only real marital issue right now.

    3. I would wish for the freedom to move wherever I wanted and live on a beach somewhere where I could paddleboard and kayak and hike every day.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • 1. Be done with school forever. As in, thesis completed and defended, PhD awarded and done with.

    2. To not have as much debt in property. I feel like that alone would solve most of our financial problems.

    3. That DH gets some respite from work. This weekend has been huge in helping him relax, but he's got such a crazy schedule that it'd be nice for him to get some family time.

    J14 Jan Siggy Challenge: Santorini

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. To have enough money to live comfortably and not have to stress about bills.
    2. To be a SAHM or only work part time
    3. For time to slow down so that my baby stops growing up so fast!

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  • 1. Win the lotto.
    2. Never struggle with weight again.
    3. Good health for all my family.
     TTC#1 Since April 2011 
    BFP#1 5.23.12 C/P 4w4d 
    BFP #2 10.1.13
    EDD June 10, 2014
  • 1. Baby's sleep problems to be magically cured
    2. To work part time but be in the same financial situation or better.
    3. Free housecleaning service.
  • 1. Dh to get the job he interviewed for two weeks ago.
    2. My child to figure out how to fall asleep and stay asleep on his own.
    3. A months fully paid vacation in Europe. Germany, England, south of France, Greece...so many places to visit and sample local wine.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • 1. To be able to SAHM or work part-time with DS without a significant change in finances.

    2. For my family to live closer.

    3. More time with DS.  Every day goes by faster and he's growing up too quickly.  I want more time to enjoy him right now.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1. For DH to find a job he doesn't hate where he makes enough money to cover our bills and hopefully have some extra money for savings and spending.
    2. For the time to get my own business up and running so I can pull in an actual income from home while satisfying my need for creativity and feeling like "me" again, not just mom.
    3. For my family to not be 3000 miles away. Or at the very least for them to be able to afford coming to visit and meeting K.

    If I could have a 4th wish it would be to not live next door to my in laws...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    MET: 12/31/06 ENGAGED: 5/23/11 MARRIED: 11/11/11 DD DOB: 6/6/14
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