If this little bean is a boy, Theodore will definitely be a part of the name, and we will likely call him Theo regardless of if it is his first or middle name. We have lots of ideas but have problems spotting issues or narrowing them down! Feel free to throw in suggestions wherever you would like.
Last name is three syllables, starts with "Buck."
Married 6/2013, TTC 9/2013.
MC 12/2013, Blighted Ovum 04/2014, CP 06/2014
Began RPL testing 07/2014
BFP #4 10/26/2014; Theo born 07/2015
BFP #5 06/17/2017, EDD 02/28/18

Re: First or Middle Name for Theodore
I like Theodore Ezra, cool combo.
We're considering Michael for our son which could be cute for you too.
Theodore Michael
Theodore William
Theodore Charles
Agree with PP; it is so confusing to go by a MN. Just make it his first name and go from there.
BFP #2: m/c at 7w, February, 2014
BFP #3: It's a BOY! Please be our rainbow! Due February, 2015
*everyone always welcome*
I definitely think the consensus is Theodore as a first name, too. I think Theodore Ezra is definitely our top pick.