Much to my sadness, I think it is time I move my girls out of my room. I want to begin some semblance of sleep training and it is just too hard when we all share a room. The nursery is on the other side of my little house, so a monitor is a must for my peace of mind. My grandmother generously offered to buy us a video monitor as a Christmas gift. Can anyone recommend theirs? I was looking at this one for the high ratings, but noticed it can mess with your wifi. Thanks!
TTC #1 since December 2009
IVF #1 - 6/2 Start Stims 6/14 ER 6/19 ET (2 embies transferred) BFP 6/27/11! Beta #1 87 Beta #2 197!! 1st U/S 7/19 (5 embies in storage!)
7/19/11 -- One Beautiful Heart Beat!!
It's a BOY!!
Jack Austin born at 37w; 2/10/2012
Working on Baby #2; FET scheduled for 1/8/2013!!! Cancelled due to nasty flu sickness
FET 1.0 re-scheduled for 2/26/13! -- BFN
FET #2 scheduled for May 2013 -- BFN
Onto IVF #2....scheduled for June 2013, cancelled due to high estrogen levels
IVF 2.1 re-scheduled for Sept. 2013 ER 9/26. ET 10/1 (2 transferred, 1 in storage). BFP 10/10 beta #1 105, beta #2 255
Ultrasound 11/1 -- TWINS!!
Both Girls!! <br>
Harper Grace & Hailey Ryann born at 33w6d; 5/8/2014!
I would recommend any Motorola video monitor. The sound went out on our Motorola monitor when the girls were 15 months old and Motorola replaced it, no questions asked. I didn't even give them a proof of purchase because I'd lost the receipt. I forget which version we have, but it's suited us well. Now that the girls are over two years old, I can use the voice feature to tell them to lay down when they're playing instead of napping. It's weird, they listen to the monitor voice, but not to me in real life, hahaa!!
We have two little security cameras in the nursery and they're on our wifi, and I check them on my phone or iPad. It works really well. I think ours are made by Foscam.
Re: Video Monitors
TTC #1 since December 2009
IVF #1 - 6/2 Start Stims 6/14 ER 6/19 ET (2 embies transferred) BFP 6/27/11! Beta #1 87 Beta #2 197!! 1st U/S 7/19 (5 embies in storage!)
7/19/11 -- One Beautiful Heart Beat!!
It's a BOY!!
Jack Austin born at 37w; 2/10/2012
Working on Baby #2; FET scheduled for 1/8/2013!!! Cancelled due to nasty flu sickness
FET 1.0 re-scheduled for 2/26/13! -- BFN
FET #2 scheduled for May 2013 -- BFN
Onto IVF #2....scheduled for June 2013, cancelled due to high estrogen levels
IVF 2.1 re-scheduled for Sept. 2013 ER 9/26. ET 10/1 (2 transferred, 1 in storage). BFP 10/10 beta #1 105, beta #2 255
Ultrasound 11/1 -- TWINS!!
Both Girls!! <br>
Harper Grace & Hailey Ryann born at 33w6d; 5/8/2014!
I would recommend any Motorola video monitor. The sound went out on our Motorola monitor when the girls were 15 months old and Motorola replaced it, no questions asked. I didn't even give them a proof of purchase because I'd lost the receipt. I forget which version we have, but it's suited us well. Now that the girls are over two years old, I can use the voice feature to tell them to lay down when they're playing instead of napping. It's weird, they listen to the monitor voice, but not to me in real life, hahaa!!