**Backstory**Things had been going good with ex and we had been spending time at his house so that he could spend time with the kids since I don't want them away from me (especially DD). DS had somehow hurt "Noah" (my rescue dog of almost 4 years) and Noah snapped in reflex and accidentally got DS in the eye. Initially it was "GET RID OF HIM NOW", but after thinking about it long and hard and nobody wanting him, I decided to keep him since he is family and honestly, a very good dog. He has never been malicious or hurt anyone.
Ex has had it out for Noah from the start. He caught Noah in bed with DD and I while I was nursing her. I didn't know that he had jumped up there because he is so lightfooted. Well, ex walks in and sees him and literally punts him across the room (ex used to be a field goal kicker in college). It got ugly that night. The next morning I take the kids to school and that was the last I have seen of Noah. I asked ex about him and he denies doing anything to him or taking him somewhere. Noah has been missing since the 6th of Nov. He has never once left the house and he's been outside for extended times on numerous occasions. I've checked and called all the shelters and lost and found pages. I'll be making physical trips this week to search for him.
My heart is so broken that my "kid" is missing. He has never spent a night outside and he's never been alone. I am SO angry at ex for locking him out of the house and/or possibly dumping him somewhere. I have no proof and it's something that he would take to the grave. I know him.
My MBF is about DS... he's stopped napping daily, and some days he decides, "F this, I'm going to play." Then he's cranky allllllll night. Today is one of those days. I hear him, out of bed, tearing his room up right now.
At least he'll be going to bed early.
Oh my goodness, this sounds just like DS. It is an all out battle every day to get him dressed. He wants to wear shorts and fwip fwops EVERY day, regardless if it's 40° outside. I couldn't possibly imagine where he gets his temper from. L-)
@bullybutt OMG. Poor pup. I'd be so torn up! I understand about being very concerned about the snapping, but still, no way for him to treat your dog! Poor Noah. I hope he finds his way back to you.
I know it's Tuesday but still....so my husband works 12:30am-8am, so he sleeps during the afternoon, evening. I nursed Ds to sleep around 7pm took him in to DH and laid Ds next to him so i could get DD to bed. So we had finished reading and i was rocking her singing to her when i heard from my room my husband shout and Ds Start Crying. So I laid DD down in Her bed and went to get DS and ask Dh why the hell he shouted like that. Well he shouted because Ds was crying. I was pissed
I know it's Tuesday but still....so my husband works 12:30am-8am, so he sleeps during the afternoon, evening. I nursed Ds to sleep around 7pm took him in to DH and laid Ds next to him so i could get DD to bed. So we had finished reading and i was rocking her singing to her when i heard from my room my husband shout and Ds Start Crying. So I laid DD down in Her bed and went to get DS and ask Dh why the hell he shouted like that. Well he shouted because Ds was crying. I was pissed
**Backstory**Things had been going good with ex and we had been spending time at his house so that he could spend time with the kids since I don't want them away from me (especially DD). DS had somehow hurt "Noah" (my rescue dog of almost 4 years) and Noah snapped in reflex and accidentally got DS in the eye. Initially it was "GET RID OF HIM NOW", but after thinking about it long and hard and nobody wanting him, I decided to keep him since he is family and honestly, a very good dog. He has never been malicious or hurt anyone.
Ex has had it out for Noah from the start. He caught Noah in bed with DD and I while I was nursing her. I didn't know that he had jumped up there because he is so lightfooted. Well, ex walks in and sees him and literally punts him across the room (ex used to be a field goal kicker in college). It got ugly that night. The next morning I take the kids to school and that was the last I have seen of Noah. I asked ex about him and he denies doing anything to him or taking him somewhere. Noah has been missing since the 6th of Nov. He has never once left the house and he's been outside for extended times on numerous occasions. I've checked and called all the shelters and lost and found pages. I'll be making physical trips this week to search for him.
My heart is so broken that my "kid" is missing. He has never spent a night outside and he's never been alone. I am SO angry at ex for locking him out of the house and/or possibly dumping him somewhere. I have no proof and it's something that he would take to the grave. I know him.