Baby Names

Team Green, what do you think about same initials?

DH and I have decided to not find out the sex of the LO. We have come up with a few names that we really like and are the same initials, not on purpose!

For a boy we like Andre Jeffrey (middle name is my fathers first)

For a girl we like Anna Joan (middle name of my mother) we are from NY so it will be a long A, not like Anna of the Frozen variety.

So either way it's going to be baby AJ. We don't plan to tell the baby names until birth so this is like a little teaser for family and friends. Boy or girl, I think AJ is a cute nickname.


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Re: Team Green, what do you think about same initials?

  • I prefer the sound of Andrew to Andre with Jeffrey.

    I don't mind the same initials for either option, but I'm not really a fan of initial-based nicknames on girls.  And I really don't like the idea of setting a nickname before the baby is even born.  I think nicknames need to come naturally.

    I wouldn't call your daughter AJ as a baby, it feels too masculine for a little girl.  But that might be the nickname she uses in school, you know?
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  • And I wouldn't call a girl aj.
  • I think it's a cute nickname to use before you meet the baby, I really like both names.

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  • Love the names, really dislike nicknames that are initials.
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  • I know a little girl that goes by AJ short for Amanda Jo. She pulls it off fine. They call her AJ though because they really wanted to honor a family member but actually disliked the name Amanda. Anna is a lovely name however! I also think it's totally fine that your two potential baby names have the same initials. However, if someday you have a second baby of the opposite sex of this one, I wouldn't use the unused AJ name especially if you do end up calling this baby AJ!


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  • I might be the minority but I love initial nicknames, especially on a girl. If this one had been a girl, she'd have been Dorothy Johanna, with Dotty, Dory and DJ as potential nicknames :)
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