my baby is 8 weeks old and formula fed. He hasn't pooped in over 24 hours. Like since 12:30 yesterday. Should I be worried? What should I do? He tries to poop like pushes but nothing happens.
My doctor told me that it's normal for babies to go a couple of days without pooping. As long as it's soft when it comes out, he's fine. If it's hard, he's constipated, and you need to call the doctors office or the nurse line.
Longest my FF baby went was 48 hours. He was miserable and we eventually switched formulas. What formula are you using? Since the switch things are much better!!
Hi there. I look in from time to time. My DD is FF and had a hard time pooping. Said it was normal and that FF babies have a harder time because it is harder to digest. The triage nurse said to use 1tsp dark kyro syrup in her bottle to help loosen things up. Check with your pedi office in the am.
My LO is 8 weeks and FF and we have been having poop problems as well. From everything I've researched, it doesn't matter how long from last BM, but rather the consistency. As long as it's soft, you're good. LO's BMs were starting to get fairly solid and firm and when I called the pedi office they told me to add a Small amount of water 1-2 oz) each day. That has seemed to help some. I actually see the pedi tomorrow though and plan to ask about switching formula. Right now I'm using Similac advance. Oh, forgot to mention he only has a BM every other day - he tends to strain quite a bit and sometimes cries. (Poor guy, it breaks my heart!)
I'd call your pedi to see what they might recommend!
We're breast feeding over here, but when our LO gets backed up for whatever reason we take her temperature rectally. I didn't believe it when my mom suggested to me, but it flippin worked. We took her temp, and within the hour she took a MASSIVE dump.... (well, several...) She had been backed up for almost 72 hours at that point. It's really all about the fact that you're inserting something in there and stimulating the bowels, I've also heard of people lubing up a q-tip and sticking that in for a few seconds.. but to us the thermometer is fine, especially since if she is backed up we're usually worried that she's getting sick anyway.
Hi there. I look in from time to time. My DD is FF and had a hard time pooping. Said it was normal and that FF babies have a harder time because it is harder to digest. The triage nurse said to use 1tsp dark kyro syrup in her bottle to help loosen things up. Check with your pedi office in the am.
Yea, no this is wrong. When DD was a baby I asked about Karo syrup and was told that's not the ideal way to deal with constipation but it was a last resort. Her pedi said to use light Karo and a teaspoon in every bottle. I can't remember why your not suppose to use the dark but it had something to do with the sugars. And FF babies need about an ounce of water a day.
Re: Baby won't poop :(
I'd call your pedi to see what they might recommend!