Hi ladies.. I haven't been on this app in forever and I've been trying to find some forums of military spouses or just anyone who lives in or is familiar with Cedar City? DH is set on attending an aviation school out there starting January 2015 and it's just so sudden for us. We will be relocating from Camp Pendleton, CA.. I grew up here in San Diego all my life and he's been stationed out here (we met here). Now he's out of the marines and this is what he wants. I'm just having some anxiety just thinking about leaving my family.. He's afraid I will resent him for bringing me out there, but that won't happen. I told him I'll support him with whatever he wants to do and we will figure it out once we get there. I've just never went from being surrounded by family and friends to just us (we have 2 girls, 10 month old and 4 year old). Just needed to vent.. And if any ladies out there would want to become friends? I don't know how to feel
Re: Cedar City, UT?