November 2014 Moms

Baby Brooklyn's birth story

short story- Nicholas Joseph was born on Nov 5th via c section 8.3 lbs and 20 inches and is doing perfectly.

long story- I had an induction scheduled for tomorrow Nov 8th (9 days post due date) but my dr called on tuesday asking if we wanted to come in that night to start the induction since I was already 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. after a minor freak out we decided to go for it and meet our little guy. We checked into the hospital around 7 pm and I received cervidil. The medicine worked pretty quickly and by 3 am i was in full labor and hoping to avoid pitocin. I received an epidural and was feeling good until my contractions slowed down. The dr started the pitocin and things were moving along until Nick's heart rate started to go down with each contraction. We decided to slow the pit down and monitor Nick's heart rate but it wouldn't stabilize on it's own so we stopped the pit entirely. Nick's heart rate leveled off and I continued to labor without it. My contractions weren't strong enough to dilate me any further than 6 cm on my own so we started the pitocin again, only to have Nick's heart rate to start falling again. It was now about 9 pm and I was stuck at 6 cm and 90% effaced with no progress in over 3 hours. We decided to opt for a c section since Nick's heart rate wasn't stable enough with medicine and my body wasn't having strong enough contractions naturally. Also, he hadn't descended at all and was still really high up. I was pretty upset and disappointed that after 24+ hours i was having to go for a c section but getting Nick out safely was all i was concerned with. I delivered Nick at 9:47 pm Wednesday Nov 7th, he came in weighing 8 lbs 3 ounces and 20 inches long. i have attached a few of my favorite pics <3
TW*** Child and loss mentioned
Married 10/12
DS 11/14
Ectopic 2/16
PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
IUI x 3- BFN
Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
FET- 6/17- BFP!
Due Feb 15, 2017

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