Cloth Diapering

NCDR Nursing pads

What's a good number to wash EOD if you are a heavy leaker? Do cloth nursing pads typically have any water proofing on the back? I'm worried about breath ability, but if this time is anything like last time, I'm probably going to be making and leaking enough milk to feed like three babies. Last time. I just used disposable ones (ugh, awful.) and this time around I'd really like to use cloth.
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Re: NCDR Nursing pads

  • The breast pads I used have a PUL backing.  The top is fleece so I stayed dry.  And hemp in the middle.  I think they are Knickernappies brand.  I don't know exactly how many you need since I used a combo of reusable and disposable.
  • I had 4 pairs of wool pads. Um, I kinda only washed them when they got stiff, but I was only a light leaker.
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  • Ahh, I totally forgot about wool, and it sounds like the perfect solution! Do you all think a layer of OBV, HOBF, and then the wool backing would work well? I'm totally going to felt a sweater or two tonight so ii can get on making these.
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  • For ON, I'm just going to go with my old tried and true, which is shoving a prefold or two down my shirt, keeping a stack of clean ones next to the bed, and sleeping on a towel. Maybe I'll make some extra pads that are just one layer of wool or something though, so I can add absorbency to the back if I need to.
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  • I have 8 pair and still wind up using disposables half the time bc I can't find the cloth ones. :(


  • Does anyone have any inexpensive brands to recommend for buying? I plan on making most of them, but would like to have a back up option too.
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  • I honestly don't know how many I have, but since I am back at work and pumping at a regular interval I don't leak that often. I do leak on weekends when I am nursing instead of pumping. I have the bamboobies and actually really like them. I also have some organic cotton ones with no PUL backing from my last baby, but leak through those very fast. The regular ones are fine if I am nursing regularly and not too full. The overnight ones absorb much more and are better for heavier leaking. I also have used the lilypadz. I liked them a lot and they prevented most leaking last time around. However, I had a bad latch one time and ended up with a nipple infection that was not fun at all.

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  • I used Nuk brand last time. They aren't very soft but I never leaked through. I got some seconds from pink daisy this time and they're so soft I could rub them on my face lol.

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  • I have NUK ones, 6 pairs because they are cheap. In the mornings I leak through them sometimes, but my left boob is pretty leaky, even at almost 6 months PP. I recently bought a set of 3 pairs of Kushies ones from the outlet store, and they ate thick, but great for at night - no note leak-throughs. They don't have PUL or anything, but like 8 layers of diaper flannel, thus the thickness.
    When I first started I also used a prefold at night, I had over supply and was just constantly damp. But it was late spring so I just started sleeping topless on a towel.
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