I know some of you have already started your LOs on using a sippy cup. I seriously can't believe we are talking about this - I feel like DD was just born. Anywho, we have started solids and I wanted to be able to give DD an ounce or two of water in a sippy cup during dinner. Please recommend your favorites.
M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!
TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
DD Born @ 40+4
Re: Sippy Cups
DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in
We are also trying to just do open cup with adult help at home. She likes the Nuby sippy cup PP have mentioned; because of the handles she can hold it herself. We (mostly) just use that when we're out.
Edited for spelling.
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
My Recipe Blog
~All AL'ers welcome~
I do have a straw water bottle style. It's more kid like than baby for out and about.
I do love the Kleen Kanteen water bottles. I have a sports style lid. So I might buy a small size bottle for him. Then be can just tip and drink like we would with a water bottle.
<img src="<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2s9vof8" target="_blank"><img src="http://i59.tinypic.com/2s9vof8.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>" width="180px">
If I keep just feeding her bottles will that make her stay a baby?!
Anyone try it?
T 2.12 | W 5.14