my DH and I are on board with CD and are doing the research to see which type will work for our lifestyle. My husband is totally against washing CD at home and insists that they won't get clean and refuses to wash our clothes in the same washer where poopy diapers are washed too. He only wants to use a DS, I don't see much of a cost savings with this method. We've started researching hybrids, but again I don't see a cost savings going this route. We have an older washing machine which I've heard does a decent job at cleaning. Thoughts on ways to convince a DH?
Re: Washing at home vs. diaper service
I'm a FTM, but I nannied for years. Even if you use disposables, you'll be washing poop. Poop on baby clothes, poop on the carseat cover, poop on the sheets, poop on your clothes... poop everywhere. They are poopy little things, and you'll be spending a lot of time at the laundromat if your husband refuses to let poop go on the wash!
If you wash at home you only need storage space for 2-3 days worth of diapers, and you can get whatever diapers you like. It's nice to have a mix of different types, for different situations and different growth stages.
FWIW, MH was skeptical until he saw how many sposies we went through in a week... especially after we moved to a neighborhood where foxes are really active, and he can't put the garbage out the night before pickup, otherwise the critters will toss everything all over the sidewalk and the street in front of our house. Yes, that happened right when we moved and DS was in sposies while our stuff was in transit.
As far as convincing YH, sometimes guys need to hear about it from another guy. So if you have any friends who CD, maybe spend some time with them so YH can hear another CD Dad's point of view. If there is a brick and mortar CD store in your area, visit it. It helps to be able to see the merch in person. Also, quite a few online vendors offer diaper trials, so you can try it out and see what works for you, without making a huge investment.
Yes- he'll be amazed at how much poop you're washing, and at least if you're washing diapers at home, you can throw the poopy stuff in with those instead of with clean-ish clothes. The poop doesn't stay in the washer- I've never had poop from a diaper load contaminate anything else, and I was surprised at first when I saw how clean the diapers came out. At least if you wash at home, you have control over type of detergent, whether or not to bleach ever, how often to wash, and other things related to your baby's skin. Sometimes diaper rashes can be solved in the washing machine.
Good luck! The amount of poop with a newborn can be alarming, but the amount of spit-up blew my mind with my first...