Our first appt was with Dr. Mol.inaro at R;MA'NJ. We spoke at
length, but my biggest takeaways were that he believes my current RE is
not prescribing enough FSH; he would do an EPP protocol without BCPs;
and he believes my AFC testing was wrong...repeatedly. Because my
current clinic is big, you never know who is going to do your
ultrasound. I have had my AFC measured by multiple people. Aside from a
weird reading of 5 (which my nurse explained as only a partial count),
my other readings have been between 15 and 22. Dr. M counted 8
yesterday. My AFC has never made sense to me with such a low AMH
level. It pisses me off. Has it always been this low? Who is right?
Is Dr. M right when he has examined me once when my other RE has
examined me many times?
In the end, I like
Dr. M. He sees no problem with me doing my monitoring locally and says
that he monitors some of SG's patients and SG monitors some of his
patients. He said, "we are all adults and we are all professionals."
He would like me locally when it gets close to the end. He is
definitely more aggressive/open-minded than my current RE, but he also
feels very practical. If we can swing embryo banking and CCS, he'd
recommend that as well.
We then met with Dr. P
at S/I:RM. Dr. P would also do an EPP protocol. His was quite
convoluted...BCPs, Lupron, estrogen priming, gonadotropins. The BCPs
and Lupron scare me a bit...just because my MDLF protocol was awful. He
would be very aggressive with stims. He admitted it was controversial:
750 units. He wants to do all of my monitoring himself. He believes
there is no substitution for actually examining the patient. He would
let me do my baseline at SG, though. He did say that because there is
no risk of OHSS and--because I'd already be at max stims--he couldn't
possibly increase the dosage, he wouldn't need to see me until around
day 9 of stims, so it would be about the same amount of out of state
monitoring. Dr. P already wrote me a script for the first tier of
autoimmune testing. He said he had been thinking about it a lot and it
is reserved for patients with repeat implantation failure. I started to
speak and he cut me off saying, "I know what you are about to say...you
might only get one shot at this...I'll write you for the testing."
Which was exactly what I was about to say. Dr. P also said that he no
longer prescribes PIO (yay!!), so there's that.
P strongly supports embryo banking and CCS testing. His prices were
reasonable (we are OOP for FETs, freezing/storage and CCS testing). I
didn't get pricing from Dr. M.
Dr. P feels a
bit kooky to me. I really liked him, but I get that he is a
bit controversial. My current RE would probably be appalled at his
proposal, but I wanted someone who is thinking differently. I get
teary-eyed every single time I talk about my failed cycles to a medical
professional. I didn't with Dr. P and I feel like that has to mean that
he makes me feel comfortable. Or it may just mean that I spent the
whole day talking about it and--by that time--I was totally over it...
And S/I:RM doesn't report SART data...which is weird. They do publish their stats, but only on their own website.
Both agreed with my current RE that there is no need to do a lap and no need to do an endometrial biopsy. That feels good.
that's where I am. I am going tomorrow to get all of Dr. P's tests
done. He said he'd call me when the results came in and I am going to
hammer him a little more about my concerns about the Lupron and BCPs.
If anyone has any thoughts, stories, or questions I haven't thought of...I'd love to hear them.
Re: 2nd Opinion Update/DOR Protocols/Very Long
I'm wondering about Dr M thinking your AFC is wrong just because different techs do it. I totally get that measurements are off by a mm here and there when different techs are measuring growing follies, but how hard can it be to count the follicles??
I am so confused by any protocol that involves bcp for DOR patients. I mean I've never heard of someone saying it worked for them so I would definitely ask a lot of questions about that. FWIW My current RE was appalled that my old RE had me do bcp before IVF#2 after seeing my poor response during #1.
That is so exciting that Dr P is starting immune testing! Is it a standard RPL panel that he's ordering? Are you still thinking of seeing KK? I'm glad you found someone you're comfortable with!
Also, I have called Dr. KK's office multiple times and only got VM...then I gave up. It's still on my radar, though.
@katemonster1 Is it weird that I didn't ask that question? It was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't make it come out. I think I was afraid of the answer.
TTC since 08/2012
---- Siggy warning ------
Me 34 y/o DH 35 y/o
IVF#1 (ICSI)-- April 2014-- MDL with BCP, 5R, 4 ICSID, 3dt with three embryos, 1 six-day freeze (2BA grade)-- BFN
IVF#2.1 (ICSI)-- August 2014: MDL without BCP-- cancelled
Natural IUI on 11/8 -- BFN
IVF#2.2 (ICSI)--Nov/Dec 2014: MDL without BCP, 5R, 1 ICSID, frozen on day 6 (grade 2BB)
FET #1: transferred two 5 (or 6?)day embryos on January 27. Beta #1 (2/4): 158, Beta #2 (2/6): 391 Beta #3(2/9): 1187 BFP!
First u/s at 5w1d showed one gestational sac and yolk sac. Second u/s at 6w showed heartbeat at 102. Third u/s at 7w heart rate 145. EDD 10/15/2015
Me & DH (33), 3 Furbabies, TTC since October 2011
Day 3 #’s (Dec 2012) FSH 9, AMH .77, LH 2.4, E2 31, AFC 9
DX: Me-DOR + No Tubes, DH-Fine
Ectopic 2007; lost tube/2nd tube removed Dec 2011 (hydro)
April 2012=IVF#1- EPP Antag+ICSI, 2R,0F (BFN), Now dx’d with DOR.
June-July 2012=IVF#2- MDL+ICSI&AH, 8R,4M,3F (BFP 9dp3dt) Beta#1 at 11dp3dt=36, Beta#2 at 15dp3dt=156, Beta#3 at 19dp3dt=671, dx'd with SCH, no growth-m/c at 7wks/Lap Dec 2012 to remove small fibroid.
Feb 2013=IVF#3-MDL, 2/1=baseline, started 10 units mdl, AFC-7, 2/3 start gonal f, self cxld cycle b/c of low e2.
April 2013=IVF#3.5-(with new RE)AG/ANT Conv + ICSI. 4/10-4/23 bcp's, 4/20-4/27 lupron, 4/28-ganirelix until end of stimming, 5/2-600 gonal f, 5/4-add 1/2 vial menopur, 5/13-ER (9R,1M,1F), 5/17-ET, 1 beautiful 8 cell (please be my sticky baby!!!!) 5/28-BFFN.
Oct 2013=IVF#4-LLP+ICSI &AH, 10/14 (6R, 2M, 2F), 10/17-ET, 1 seven cell & a six cell, BFP at 9dp3dt, 1st beta=56, 2nd beta=52, CP.
Jan 2014=IVF #5-LLP, Cxld after 6 days of stims due to fast response and lead follicle.
March 2014=IVF 5.5-LLP, Lupron 3/10, BL 3/18, 11 days of stims, Trigger 3/29, ER 3/31. 7R, 2M, 2F. ET 4/3. Txfd one 5 cell & one 9 cell. BFP on hpt from 7dp3dt & on. Praise be to God. Beta #1 at 11dp3dt=106, #2 at 13dp3dt=239. First u/s 4/28, measuring on track & heartbeat seen. 5/5-2nd u/s, measuring on track with strong heartbeat. 5/12- 3rd u/s & released from RE. Grow baby grow, we love you! Baby G&T is a BOY! Born 12/2014 via c/s! 8lbs, 8oz & 21 inches.
*******Ticker Warning**********
"God's Delay is not God's Denial"
IVF #3 May '15 cancelled after highest possible meds dosages for over two weeks. converted to IUI, BFN
DE IVF #1 Dec '15 transferred one BB2 blast, BFP due August 2016
It sounds like you had some good 2nd opinions. I cycle with a SI.RM clinic (different city) and their protocols are "outside of the box." I've always wondered if the BCP and lupron down regulation oversupressed my ovaries. This cycle is my first cycle doing a EPP protocol with them, so we will see if that makes a difference for me. My biggest reason for sticking with them is because they are immune friendly (although they stay pretty basic with what they test for and treatments). I also like that my current SI.RM doc was willing to think outside the box and prescirbe lovenox even without a diagnosis. It turns out my diagnosis from the RI required it anyway, but after 3 failed IVFs I want to make sure we leave nothing on the table.
I consulted with Dr. Mol.inaro as well and really liked him. His approach is very different than what we have currently been doing. Unfortunately the price and the travel took them out of the running for us. They are also not immune friendly, which would have made cycling with them harder for us.
TTC #1 since August 2011
My Blog
September 2012: Start IF testing
DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA
October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos
November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues. Converted to freeze all due to lining issues. 2 blasts frozen on day 6!
January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues
April 2015: FET #2.1
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
I went ahead and got poked for the autoimmune stuff today. I figure that if we found something there it would make my decision much easier.
TTC since 08/2012
Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).
We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).
Out of all the protocols I have tried I responded the best with S.irms protocol, I tried both 600 IU and also 750 IU. Both times I yielded 2 eggs, one of the cycles only 1 of the 2 eggs were mature, the other, both were mature. I truly believe there is something to their protocol. I think we would have found success there had we been aware of DH's balanced translocation. Which we found was way worse than expected when we did a DE cycle and only had 1 pgd normal embie out of 15 embryo.
The traditional EPP, my follicle stopped growing mid-cycle, and my E2 fell, so I was cancelled. Many women find success with this protocol, but it just wasn't for me.
This cycle I did testosterone priming with clomid, and HGH. SIRM does not believe in this protocol, it is their opinion that testosterone affects the quality of the egg. This for me does not seem to be the case. I yielded one egg, which fertilized normally with donor sperm via ICSI. This protocol is supposed to recruit more antrial follicles, my AFC was the best it's ever been which was 3. I ended up with a dominate follicle, so only one was retrieved. Today I learned from our day 3 embryologist report it's an 8 cell with no fragmentation.
We are embryo banking and transferring after our third retrieval. I will be asking my current RE if I can go back to S.IRMS EPP, in hopes of yielding 2 eggs each with my two remaining IVFs.
I think you will find success at SIRM. I understand why they do not report their stats to SART. What I have learned in the process is that the stats can be misleading, in that there are clinics that PGD test most embryos and will not transfer unless the patient has normal embryos. If there is no transfer, it does not count as a failed cycle, therefore improving their stats.
Good Luck with your decision moving forward. I wish you all the luck in the world!
::: Married June 2003:::

TTC #1 since: Aug. 2008
Me: 34, DOR, MTHFR-A1298C (heterozygous), decreased blood flow to uterus, Mild Endo
DH: 38, Balanced translocation 5&10, unexplained MFI, normal SA and SCSA
Tx History: IUI 1&2= BFN
IVF# 2: cancelled d/t no response
IVF# 3= 1 egg retrieved=immature/not viable
IVF# 4= c/p
Found DHs BT and Me-decreased blood flow to uterus
Recommended DE IVF w/PGD, incorporate electro-acupuncture. Decided to cycle locally
***New RE***
DE IVF# 1(cycle #6) w/pgd, (freeze all): 30R, 23M, 15F, slow/poor embryo development, 4 biopsied, 1 Normal "Norm"; DE IVF w/PGD, incorporate electro-acupuncture.
IVF# 6: (OE/DS) cancelled
IVF# 7: (OE/DS) 1R, 1M, 1F, arrested day 5
Plan-DE IVF# 2 (cycle #8): DE/DS in May 2015
Me & DH (33), 3 Furbabies, TTC since October 2011
Day 3 #’s (Dec 2012) FSH 9, AMH .77, LH 2.4, E2 31, AFC 9
DX: Me-DOR + No Tubes, DH-Fine
Ectopic 2007; lost tube/2nd tube removed Dec 2011 (hydro)
April 2012=IVF#1- EPP Antag+ICSI, 2R,0F (BFN), Now dx’d with DOR.
June-July 2012=IVF#2- MDL+ICSI&AH, 8R,4M,3F (BFP 9dp3dt) Beta#1 at 11dp3dt=36, Beta#2 at 15dp3dt=156, Beta#3 at 19dp3dt=671, dx'd with SCH, no growth-m/c at 7wks/Lap Dec 2012 to remove small fibroid.
Feb 2013=IVF#3-MDL, 2/1=baseline, started 10 units mdl, AFC-7, 2/3 start gonal f, self cxld cycle b/c of low e2.
April 2013=IVF#3.5-(with new RE)AG/ANT Conv + ICSI. 4/10-4/23 bcp's, 4/20-4/27 lupron, 4/28-ganirelix until end of stimming, 5/2-600 gonal f, 5/4-add 1/2 vial menopur, 5/13-ER (9R,1M,1F), 5/17-ET, 1 beautiful 8 cell (please be my sticky baby!!!!) 5/28-BFFN.
Oct 2013=IVF#4-LLP+ICSI &AH, 10/14 (6R, 2M, 2F), 10/17-ET, 1 seven cell & a six cell, BFP at 9dp3dt, 1st beta=56, 2nd beta=52, CP.
Jan 2014=IVF #5-LLP, Cxld after 6 days of stims due to fast response and lead follicle.
March 2014=IVF 5.5-LLP, Lupron 3/10, BL 3/18, 11 days of stims, Trigger 3/29, ER 3/31. 7R, 2M, 2F. ET 4/3. Txfd one 5 cell & one 9 cell. BFP on hpt from 7dp3dt & on. Praise be to God. Beta #1 at 11dp3dt=106, #2 at 13dp3dt=239. First u/s 4/28, measuring on track & heartbeat seen. 5/5-2nd u/s, measuring on track with strong heartbeat. 5/12- 3rd u/s & released from RE. Grow baby grow, we love you! Baby G&T is a BOY! Born 12/2014 via c/s! 8lbs, 8oz & 21 inches.
*******Ticker Warning**********
"God's Delay is not God's Denial"