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Pact Grads

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Re: Pact Grads

  • edited November 2014
    Just over 37 weeks, and Katniss has entirely disengaged her head from my pelvis and seems to be trying to flip herself. Two days now I've woken up with her head above my hip bone, as if she's trying to lie transverse. I'm sort of (ok, excessively) freaking out that I'm going to end up with a 39 week breech baby, and not really sure what to do. I think I'm going to put a call in to a chiropractor, but I have no clue when I'd actually be able to go without dragging along my toddler.

    I've still got a few more things that need to be done before Katniss comes, and I keep putting everything off and getting really stressed about it. Then I wake up one day closer to delivering and am more stressed at them not being done. It's not like I'm doing myself any favors, I need a good kick in the pants or something.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • 20 weeks-ish. Pregnancy wise I feel fine, otherwise everything sucks this week. I have tonsillitis and I am totally miserable and it suuuuuucks taking care of a toddler when you're so sick. Fortunately, she's still healthy, just whiny and refusing to nap, and still leaking out of her nighttime diapers. Plus I have a four day conference (Thursday through Sunday) for my Bradley childbirth training this week, and I still have a lot of homework to do that I just have not been able to get done while feeling so miserable. I just want to complain a lot. 

    My anatomy scan was great, baby's wiggling and kicking away, and I'm still wearing most of my regular clothes along with a lot of yoga pants. 
    #1 7/2013
    #2 3/2015
    #3 3/2017
    #4 10/2019
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  • 13 weeks tomorrow and I got the beer-belly gut going on. So sexy.
    13 weeks already! Holy crap your pregnancy is going fast (from an outsider's perspective). How are you feeling?


  • JEPES1348 said:
    13 weeks tomorrow and I got the beer-belly gut going on. So sexy.
    13 weeks already! Holy crap your pregnancy is going fast (from an outsider's perspective). How are you feeling?
    Really good! This time around I'm that person that everyone hates: "I have no symptoms! It's like I forget I'm pregnant!" ::giggle giggle twirl hair::
    That's been me x2. Apparently my body is like, "La la la, why do people complain about being pregnant? This is easy!" I'm not complaining, but I do feel bad when my friends and co-workers are having such a rough go of it.


  • TJ1979 said:
    Oh Em Gee ITK.  How are you possibly 37 weeks?!?!  Where did the time go?
    Now get your ass in gear!

    FYI I typed this up at 8:30 this morning.  Just now clicking post.  Oops.

    Funny, I had the same thought when you posted that P would be starting solids soon!
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • JEPES1348 said:
    Hang in there, ITK. I'll be thinking of you and hoping Katniss decides that breech is not her style.

    Sooo, we found out last week that we're having a little baby boy!! Everything looked great at the a/s. MH is stoked, not just because #2 is a boy, but because he's really excited to have one of each sex to see the differences in parenting and personalities. 

    20 weeks today, I can't believe how things are flying by! I'm not ready at all! We're switching daycares, because P's daycare is such a fortune that 2 kids there would actually negate my take-home salary, so I'd be paying to work. We haven't nailed now a new DC yet, so that stresses me out a little. I also feel bad for uprooting P and putting her somewhere else :(

    Congrats on a baby boy! :)
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • TJ1979 said:
    I still put my money on Katniss being born on my bday.  Happy bday to me!  Happy bday to me!  Happy bday to Katniss, happy bday to me!

    *Brief glance at SS* What date is that again?
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • JEPES1348 said:
    Hang in there, ITK. I'll be thinking of you and hoping Katniss decides that breech is not her style.

    Sooo, we found out last week that we're having a little baby boy!! Everything looked great at the a/s. MH is stoked, not just because #2 is a boy, but because he's really excited to have one of each sex to see the differences in parenting and personalities. 

    20 weeks today, I can't believe how things are flying by! I'm not ready at all! We're switching daycares, because P's daycare is such a fortune that 2 kids there would actually negate my take-home salary, so I'd be paying to work. We haven't nailed now a new DC yet, so that stresses me out a little. I also feel bad for uprooting P and putting her somewhere else :(

    Congrats on a baby boy! :)
    Yes! We are excited. I guiltily have to admit that I had a sad moment on Saturday; not that we're getting a healthy baby boy- we're thrilled-, but sad that my daughter won't have a sister. Does that make sense? I have two sisters, and they're my best friends (no brothers), and MH has no siblings. My awesome relationship with my sisters is all I know, and I strangely long for P to have that same opportunity. I don't know how brother-sister dynamics work. We'll just have to find out, I guess!

    Anyway, I too think that one of each will be fun. My mom says that this is perfect and a second daughter will never have to try to live up to P ;) Oh, grandmas...

    Also, we're not sure if we're stopping at 2, or 3. Three kids is our absolute max, given we're able to have a third; but it's hard to consciously think about. So many things going through my head since last week.


  • JEPES1348JEPES1348 member
    edited November 2014
    TJ1979 said:
    JEPES1348 said:
    JEPES1348 said:
    Hang in there, ITK. I'll be thinking of you and hoping Katniss decides that breech is not her style.

    Sooo, we found out last week that we're having a little baby boy!! Everything looked great at the a/s. MH is stoked, not just because #2 is a boy, but because he's really excited to have one of each sex to see the differences in parenting and personalities. 

    20 weeks today, I can't believe how things are flying by! I'm not ready at all! We're switching daycares, because P's daycare is such a fortune that 2 kids there would actually negate my take-home salary, so I'd be paying to work. We haven't nailed now a new DC yet, so that stresses me out a little. I also feel bad for uprooting P and putting her somewhere else :(

    Congrats on a baby boy! :)
    Yes! We are excited. I guiltily have to admit that I had a sad moment on Saturday; not that we're getting a healthy baby boy- we're thrilled-, but sad that my daughter won't have a sister. Does that make sense? I have two sisters, and they're my best friends (no brothers), and MH has no siblings. My awesome relationship with my sisters is all I know, and I strangely long for P to have that same opportunity. I don't know how brother-sister dynamics work. We'll just have to find out, I guess!

    Anyway, I too think that one of each will be fun. My mom says that this is perfect and a second daughter will never have to try to live up to P ;) Oh, grandmas...

    Also, we're not sure if we're stopping at 2, or 3. Three kids is our absolute max, given we're able to have a third; but it's hard to consciously think about. So many things going through my head since last week.
    Don't be sad.  Your life will now be complete in a way that mine and @Theultimatesak never will be.

    ETA: Also congrats!  How exciting!
    Nor ITK's or Rugbymama's, at this point! 

    And thank you for the congratulations!


  • 32 weeks today. Had a mini panic attack that we'll be having a baby next month. Still feeling great other than some sciatic pain. Started seeing a chiro 2 days a week until I deliver and it's already helping a ton.

    Also started prepping my newborn diapers! One more time through the washer and dryer then they should be all set.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Holy old SN @TJ1979‌
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Ooh shit, sorry!! Editing.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
    imageImage and video hosting by TinyPicimage
  • @JEPES1348‌ I have a great relationship with my older brother. Also an awesome relationship with younger sister

    Each is different, but both are amazing

    Congratulations on a baby boy!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • JEPES1348 said:
    Hang in there, ITK. I'll be thinking of you and hoping Katniss decides that breech is not her style.

    Sooo, we found out last week that we're having a little baby boy!! Everything looked great at the a/s. MH is stoked, not just because #2 is a boy, but because he's really excited to have one of each sex to see the differences in parenting and personalities. 

    20 weeks today, I can't believe how things are flying by! I'm not ready at all! We're switching daycares, because P's daycare is such a fortune that 2 kids there would actually negate my take-home salary, so I'd be paying to work. We haven't nailed now a new DC yet, so that stresses me out a little. I also feel bad for uprooting P and putting her somewhere else :(

    Don't worry about switching daycare providers. We did it at 2 years old without an issue. We were in the same situation. We couldn't afford two in the daycare we were using. We found one for a better price, a little out of the way for me, but closer for my husband. And E actually likes it a lot more. She loves her teachers and has several kids she loves playing with.
  • Mandmeesh said:
    @JEPES1348‌ I have a great relationship with my older brother. Also an awesome relationship with younger sister Each is different, but both are amazing Congratulations on a baby boy!

    My older brother and I are 18 months apart. We pretty much simultaneously were thick as thieves and fought like cats and dogs, but the older we got the less fighting there was. My brother is awesome!
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • You all make me happy :x


  • Colton and Harper love each other so much it melts my heart. Except for when she's pulling out his hair and he's tripping her to make her fall ;)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers


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  • Colton and Harper love each other so much it melts my heart. Except for when she's pulling out his hair and he's tripping her to make her fall ;)
    Why does he need to trip her? My toddler just falls for no apparent reason still. 
  • Mapleme said:
    DH and his older sister are incredibly close. In spite of the fact that she once greased the stairs with Vaseline so that he would slip...
    I totally thought this was going to be @Mapleme coming out to join the pact for #2.  ;)  Also, YGPM mapes.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
    imageImage and video hosting by TinyPicimage
  • This content has been removed.
  • Mapleme said:
    I was about to say that I would need a PP period first, but I guess that @theultimatesak‌ would disagree.
    You can add me to team, didn't have a PP period before getting pregnant for the 2nd time.

    And if we were planning on a third I would totally be trying to avoid a PP period again.  I don't miss carrying tampon around and I'm not looking forward to doing it again.

  • Mapleme said:
    I was about to say that I would need a PP period first, but I guess that @theultimatesak‌ would disagree.
    I would have to disagree with this too.


  • I'm late to the party but I'll join anyway. Glad to hear things are going well for everyone. ITK sounds like you need to have a serious talk with that baby!

    Things are going well as far as I can see on this end. Since I've lessened hauling my 30# kid around everywhere the cramping has significantly improved and that makes me very happy. I mean, I really don't want another induction but I'd rather be induced than pre-term!
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