
Tuesday, I guess

As soon as I post this, will three other people post their own? 

I'm sleepy. I have a HH date tonight. I just want a nap.



Re: Tuesday, I guess

  • I have blown my nose more in the last week than in the rest of my life combined! So congested!

    Work all day, mall tonight. Our outlet mall just opened like 50 new stores. It is so busy on the weekends you can't even get close, but I am looking forward to checking it out tonight.

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  • luxannie said:
    Today is my last day home with DD, tomorrow she starts daycare and then I start back at work next Monday.  I'm going to take her to an indoor play place today then maybe the park if the weather is nice enough. 

    Good for you for sending her before you go back. I did that too and enjoyed a couple days to shop, organize and get mentally prepared for being a working mom.
    That's the plan, I told DH he should change the wi-fi password so I actually get stuff done instead of just dicking around on the internet.  I lack self-control. 

  • I woke up in a puddle. DD1 peed the bed. We were all up before 5. I had to put DD2 back down for a nap, so I had to use the other bed. I piled pillows around her and we both fell asleep. DD2 was laying with us. She must have got up and moved the pillows. I woke up to her yelling MOM and holding her sister by the ankle as she is falling off the bed. I grabbed DD2 and recovered from my heart attack.

    And IMO the BF clog turned out way more nasty than the worm thread
  • I voted! It was a ghost town which was a little depressing.
  • One week ago I had a migraine and now my head is pounding. I don't think it's an official migraine, but it's not good. I am so over headaches. I've had regular headaches since I was NINE.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • luxannie said:
    You're a dating machine!
    I don't like to waste time. And I do like to make out, so… Obvi.


  • I don't vote. But I don't feel like saying so belongs here.


  • luxannie said:
    I don't vote. But I don't feel like saying so belongs here.
    GET OUT!
    YOU get out!!!!


  • MrsButt said:
    I don't vote. But I don't feel like saying so belongs here.
    You didn't have to say anything tho. Now I'm curious as to why you don't vote because of this post.
    Because I'm a dirty communist...?


  • I'm an anarchist and don't wish to participate in a system that I find fundamentally morally flawed. 


  • I was going to try to get up early and vote before work. I was kidding myself. I'll go this evening and pray the line isn't too long.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The polls are open 630 to 730 here.
  • TBH, after being so heavily involved in politics, it makes me not want to vote either. I still do, because at some point you have to choose between these two people, but the way they get on the ballot is so corrupt and contrived it makes me sick. Even, no, especially for judgeships, which are supposed to be non-political positions.
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  • DH came home from work and watched the kids so I could vote (which was way complicated by the fact that i live on one of two identically named streets in my city and they use the same polling place but a different section). After I came back, we had an awesome fight about voter ID laws. He was shocked that they don't require an ID. I asked him where he's been for the last few years because voter ID discussions are all over the news. He didn't appreciate my snark.

    Also, I heard three people asking for clarification about question three in MA. That shit is oddly worded.

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  • Oh, and some bitch saw me changing DD's poopy diaper in the back of my car yesterday and yelled at me about how I would make her sick and it was cold (or 55...) and I was cruel.

    She made a big show of writing something down. I assume my license plate?

    I'm trying to convince myself that if she reports me nothing will happen, but I'm still nervous. Plus someone screaming that I'm a shitty mom kind of sucked.

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  • I'm an anarchist and don't wish to participate in a system that I find fundamentally morally flawed. 

    That's a surefire way to guarantee it'll never change.

    This system isn't going anywhere without some serious revolution-style movement.  The whole façade of the citizens choosing their representation is a joke.  The parties manipulate ever step of the election process, all behind closed doors before people even know there is a race.  If the party does not want a potential candidate to have a chance, they don't have a chance.  Everything is patronage fueled.  It is depressing.

    But.....I still think you have to vote.  Locally, the results of this elections will have vastly different outcomes for my area.  I just hate the way it is handled.  There should be full transparenmcy from the get-go.

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  • pobrecita said:

    RondackHiker said:
    Oh, and some bitch saw me changing DD's poopy diaper in the back of my car yesterday and yelled at me about how I would make her sick and it was cold (or 55...) and I was cruel.

    She made a big show of writing something down. I assume my license plate?

    I'm trying to convince myself that if she reports me nothing will happen, but I'm still nervous. Plus someone screaming that I'm a shitty mom kind of sucked.<
    You have a lot of weird stuff happen to you.
    Yeah, I get it. You don't believe me. Fine.

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  • @RondackHiker‌ you should have just given her a really confused look and said "wait, you don't always change your kids diaper outside?"
  • I found out I have MRSA. I think I actually had more luck on Monday. Wtf MRSA? Why you gotta be this way?
  • thebanich said:

    @RondackHiker‌ you should have just given her a really confused look and said "wait, you don't always change your kids diaper outside?"

    i didn't even really say much. DD had poop everywhere and was flipping her shit because I wouldn't let her hold the poopy diaper. I wish I'd cursed at her or something.

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  • I haven't talked to the doctor in awhile about my headaches. I've kind of given up on doctors when it comes to my head and stomach issues. They're not always migraines but I have headaches all the fucking time. I'm an unwell person in general and you all probably wouldn't even believe all the medical shit I've experienced in my life.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • I heard an NPR story about Joni Ernst. They played a clip from one of her commercials and my jaw dropped. No.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • I am going to go vote around lunch time, I think.

    I'll be glad to be done with the political ads for a while.  I get tired of tons of ads for a state I don't even vote in. 

  • unheardof said:
    I'm not registered?  I swear I did it when I renewed my license a couple years ago.

    Well I'll get my registration mailed in so I can at least participate in the next one.
    In most states, checking the box when you renew your license is simply requesting a registration application be sent to you.  You have to then fill it out and return it.  It's a rather common mistake.
  • thebanich said:

    John Stewart mocking McConnell is one of my favorite things ever.

    Yes! I loved that clip where he makes fun of his stock campaign video. Tears.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
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