Hey ladies. Anyone around? I'm here, bumping and watching Season 1 Gilmore Girls on Netflix instead of schedule Junior League social media posts like I'm supposed to be doing.
Married August 2009
BFP#1 12/19/13 * EDD 8/24/14 * MMC Discovered 2/04/14
BFP#2 5/27/14 * EDD 2/8/15 * Please be our rainbow
Re: Monday night spamming
I went in late to do my GD test tonight and people were eating at the stat care. Gross.
Good news is they are inducing my sister tomorrow morning at 8am! Hopefully i can find a sitter so i can go vote and them get there around noon. Ive texted 3 people and they are all ignoring me. Booo!
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015
Married 9/10/11 * BFP 6/9/14 * EDD 1/25/15
And thanks girls... Its a nephew his name is Gerald Patrick ... GP for short. I cant wait to meet him. My sister is a November bumpie
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015
Married August 2009
BFP#1 12/19/13 * EDD 8/24/14 * MMC Discovered 2/04/14
BFP#2 5/27/14 * EDD 2/8/15 * Please be our rainbow
Congrats @HerHighness!
I chopped my hair off today and I think I like it but it's shorter then I wanted. Hopefully I wake up tomorrow really happy I did it haha.
Hope your little feels better soon chicken! Congratulations on your nephew herhighness!
DS is sleeping and now that's where I'm going to I think. I have so much homework for my university class and marking/report cards to do for school but just don't have the energy!
Indigestion is such a bitch. You get it when you're hungry, thirsty, eat to much, eat the wrong thing, eat to little, drink the wrong thing, are thirsty or just because you say the wrong way.
Married 9/10/11 * BFP 6/9/14 * EDD 1/25/15
ETA: just saw that you basically knew all that already... So ignore my redundant post but know I do commiserate and hope it goes away soon.
For example if we switch alarm companies we can save 15 a month so I tell him to call three months ago to ask if they would price match. Guess who's still paying extra :-\
Hope she can sleep so you can!
Pizza and Bread is great but after a long day with a no nap toddler I really wanted wings and I'm being a baby about it. And it just got here so I can't call to add it.
We are going to try a pillow (first time) to see if elevating her head will help. Did I already mention that I called the CVS and Harris Teeter if they have the Vick's Night Light?!?! Well, they don't so that sucks.
That makes sense to elevate her head. I really hope it helps! I remember when my DD had bad congestion and I actually got her to sleep in her activity rocker, which basically had her sitting up (not straight up but at an angle) to sleep. It helped her sleep instead of waking up gagging all night. This was when she was itty bitty, though, so it probably wouldn't work now that she's bigger.
We made our amends, but I have no idea where that came from. I am feeling like the worst mother ever.
Married August 2009
BFP#1 12/19/13 * EDD 8/24/14 * MMC Discovered 2/04/14
BFP#2 5/27/14 * EDD 2/8/15 * Please be our rainbow