Can we get an update on how many ounces our LOs are eating per feeding and per day? I'm going back to work in a month and I breastfeed with the occasional bottle of breastmilk so I'm curious how many ounces I should plan on leaving each day. Also, any word on medium flow nipples now that we are closing in on 4 months? What size bottles are you using/plan on using?
My LO is 16 weeks and can eat anywhere from 4oz-6oz per feeding. We usually have anywhere from 5-7 feedings per day depending on MOTN feedings. I've been using the medela 5oz bottles but was thinking of buying some larger bottles with medium flow nipples... Anyone else?
Re: Ounces Revisited
Sometimes she takes 1-1 1/2 oz in a bottle if she's trying to settle into sleep. Her care providers know when she's just using the bottle because it's usually as she's drifting. They will typically split a bottle and she takes a small bottle before nap, and again if she gets hungry right before I get off work.
We use the Playtex Drop-ins. Seems to help with gas because you can push the air out. We still use the natural latch slow-flow nipple even though she's almost 4 months. The medium flow is just too fast right now.
I'm away from him about 10 hours a day. (That's changing next week yay!!) He has just begun eating 5 oz bottles every three hours. I nurse him when I'm home. I always pack 3 bottles and a back up.
We use the Avent natural bottles and slow flow nipples.
Between 3-5 hours, ideally 4 hours, but depends on naps. If she goes 5 hours between feedings, sometimes she falls asleep for the night before I can get the last feeding in and only ends up with 3 feedings that day..
Her Dr said to aim for 4feedings per day.