Sorry I've been MIA then back with a request. We are in the process of buying a fixer upper house so the paperwork to get the loan to go through is nuts which has eaten up all my free time.
DHs grandma was life flighted in the middle of the night Tuesday to our city (5 hours from her town). For emergency surgery due to a burst colon. She's had 2 surgeries to clear infection and remove the bulk of her colon already.
She's going in for another surgery, we think today. They will continue to clear as much as possible every few days until they deem her okay enough to close her incision up.
Any T&Ps you can spare for the sweetest little 81 year old abuelita I know would be wonderful.
Re: T&P Request NBR
I hope everything works out for the loan for the house!
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T 2.12 | W 5.14