
How to pick a pediatrician?

rkborkbo member
edited October 2014 in Preemies
Hi everyone,

I have a 28 weeker that was born on September 22nd and she is thriving in the NICU. We just started breast/bottle feeding this week since we just hit 34w yesterday.

We have an appt on Friday morning to interview a pediatrician for her. I am a FTM and I have done the regular google search to find my answer but I thought maybe you all might have a little better experience.

What questions should I be asking? 
Are there any qualities about your pediatrician you love/hate? 


A picture for your thoughts!! 

Re: How to pick a pediatrician?

  • flerlgirlflerlgirl member
    edited October 2014
    What a cutie! Glad she's doing well. My favorite things about our pedi are that a) he's seen a lot of kids with special medical needs - DS came home on oxygen and a few other issues and I wanted someone who had experience with that; and b) he always makes time for appointments but does not panic/judge/rush you. Basically, he's honest and gives me the info I need but he's always willing to make time to see DS since DS is such a special snowflake.

    Welcome to the board and GL finding your pedi!

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • My questions have more to do with the practice, than the individual doctor. It was important to me that the practice have same day sick appointments and an on-call line for after hours. It was also really important to me that they had separate sick and well child waiting rooms. 

    I also asked the doctors how much experience they had with preemies, as I wanted someone who was familiar with the issues we might be facing.
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  • flerlgirlPips09. I also asked the neonatologist for the recommendations before J was discharged. 
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