So I have been having a lot of pelvic pressure, cramping and it generally feels like I did when I was 38 pregnant with one child. My doctor checked my cervix yesterday and said it is still closed but very soft and I need to take it easy- rest more etc. Has this happened this early to anyone else? Any thoughts?
Re: 24 weeks- A couple questions for the mom's that have been there
Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR, DH: normal
IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
- poor responder
***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
FET 5/20- BFP
1st Beta- 641
2nd beta- 2166
Sono- TWINS!!!!
Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks. Healthy and no NICU! So blessed!
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
Bringing them both home...UPDATE...The girls are home!!! 1/7/15 after 20 days in the NICU!