We don't have our dogs registered with the city. None of the cities actually that we've lived in for the last 4 years. I think between a collar and microchipping we are fine without having to pay more money to the local government.
I turn on Disney Jr. for a half hour each morning so I can shower. Not that she really knows what's on the TV but the bright colors and noise distract her long enough for this mama to get clean.
I loathe the overly permissive/can't say no/anything-goes-at-grandma's-house style of grandparenting that seems to be so prevalent today. And I speak from experience, as both my mom and MIL subscribe to this theory. Neither of my grandmas acted like that. It needs to stop.
I don't understand the big rush to potty train. If a doctor is not concerned I don't think I should be. DS1 will be 3 in 3 weeks and he is just now starting to show signs of interest. However, my mom (she watches him while I work) is frustrated that he did not learn before DS2 was born.
I hate Gilmore Girls. I liked it for about 3 episodes but then in binge watching it on Netflix I realized Lorelei was the most annoying twit and it became less comedy and more "How coked out and fast talking can we make this robot of a woman"
Yes, and she's not a very good parent. Plus the rhythm of the show. It's stressful.
I don't understand the big rush to potty train. If a doctor is not concerned I don't think I should be. DS1 will be 3 in 3 weeks and he is just now starting to show signs of interest. However, my mom (she watches him while I work) is frustrated that he did not learn before DS2 was born.
The only reason DS has started potty training (turned 2 in August) is because that's when the start it at DC. Otherwise, we'd still be in diapers full time.
My UO: I think beer tastes gross. DH had me try another one last night to see if it'd change my mind. Nope, still gross.
My grandma constantly threatened us with "the stick" as kids. I was scared of her until I was in college! There's got to be a middle ground in there somewhere...
UO: I love autocorrect and wish my desktop had it so I didn't have to puslOoh the shift key.
I don't know if this is happening all around the US now, but apparently the big thing here is schools require that for kids to have a book to go with their Halloween costume now. While I get the educational value of it, I think it's silly. Let kids be kids and just have fun for the holiday--not everything has to be an in-your-face LOL U WILL LERN FROM THIS K THX BAI thing.
Legions of parents are coming into my workplace today demanding books to go with their kids' costumes. Because they apparently didn't find out until too late, this isn't going to be able to happen for some of them.
Poor kiddo with the Princess Peach costume...there hasn't been a book that we can find with her in published since 1991. Not happening. Ergh.
In general, I love sports. However, I loathe MLB. I know baseball is America's sport, blah,blah. But there are way too many games. The players get paid a ridiculous amount even when they miss games. The World Seroes cuts into seasons of shows I like. Plusalso it's soooooo boring to watch. Just give me the highlight reel please.
We just watched the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and I just realized that the girls on Charlie Brown are bitches and mean. It kind of ruined the show a bit for me. And I'm all bummed out about it now. So my UO is that I don't actually like the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
I refuse to pay ungodly amounts for a costume (at any age). Growing up my mom always made our costumes or we got creative with stuff we already had. I wasn't going to take DD out but then I felt like a bad mom and decided to last minute. I dropped $20 (FML!) on a unisex costume so it can be used again. DD will look like a boy but oh well!
I refuse to pay ungodly amounts for a costume (at any age). Growing up my mom always made our costumes or we got creative with stuff we already had. I wasn't going to take DD out but then I felt like a bad mom and decided to last minute. I dropped $20 (FML!) on a unisex costume so it can be used again. DD will look like a boy but oh well!
I was pissed at the $15 crappy scratchy costumes at WalMart, so I just got one of their normal onesies that had a western sheriff motif and picked up a red handkerchief in the men's section.
Total cost: $4.25
5 years TTC, no luck with IUI's, failed IVF June 2013,
FET Oct 2013 with delayed transfer, intralipids, lovenox & prednisone= first BFP of my life!
My kids have either been hand me downs, crafted or repurposed. I don't know f they care, but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy to make something unique for them
Re: UO 10/30
I love coffee.
I loathe the overly permissive/can't say no/anything-goes-at-grandma's-house style of grandparenting that seems to be so prevalent today. And I speak from experience, as both my mom and MIL subscribe to this theory. Neither of my grandmas acted like that. It needs to stop.
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
My grandma constantly threatened us with "the stick" as kids. I was scared of her until I was in college! There's got to be a middle ground in there somewhere...
I'm still scared of one of my grandma's