Has anyone successfully installed the safety first alpha omega elite rear facing? It's the $99 At BJs car seat and we have a few installed forward facing for G and Liam in various cars but I need a cheapie rear facer for Lo for grandma and I cannot figure out for the life of me why it won't work rear facing. Is there some kind of trick? I really don't have time to return this one and get a new one before Saturday morning! Grrrr.
Re: Car seat question
I may just need to suck it up and bring all the kids to get another more expensive one that I know I can do and return the piece of crap when I get back next week.
Also as all things child installable, DH and I are having a massive fight over the whole thing, so that fun
I have too much going on right now! And of course, DH is "helping" by making sure he can find a parking garage in NYC on Sunday. Because, you know, there are no real options to pay to park anywhere in NYC, especially when you only have 10 hours to find a space.